Friday, June 11, 2010

Some1 please tell me!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me...Tell me...Ah..Ah..Ah...Ah..Ah...Tell me...

Me : Is he OK in looking?
Ch girl : I think he's ugly!
Me : Wat?Really ah?
M&M : Ya lo! Y u like him?
Me : I thought u said he's OK?
M&M : ><" So, u want 2 find a handsome guy la?
Me : No......

4 me, he's Ok. Not handsome n not good looking... I think I should have faith on my feeling... instead of listening 2 too many ppl opinion...

别人说的话 随便听一听 自己作决定 ~~ 黃小琥-沒那麼簡單


  1. oh? what is this i see?? how come never heard about it from you??? (Btw, after sms-ing you, i came to see your blog since i was really bored!) haha!

  2. I wanted 2 tell u ady tat day when we talked!!! But I 4got...I'm not sure about my feeling 4 him...did u read my "sweet dream" post? It's about him...
