Thursday, August 20, 2009

Little Things In My Life,Big Things For Their Life.

It has been a long time since the last time I updated my blog was June...... Next time, I'll just upload pic n won't write a long 1.....Times passed away in the speed of light....It's the 4th month tat I experienced my F6 study life....Not easy....Everyday always got Math T homework!!!!! Tat's the main thing tat keep killing me!!!!

Hmmmm....Wat should I call it ? It's some kind of cute shaking head stuff tat need solar energy. It's oso said 2 be tension releasing stuff la..My father suggested us 2 buy 1 n put it in my car...So, now it's shaking its head in my car....Isn't it cute?

I bought tis hanger when I went 2 Butterorth. I think it's quite different from the other.

Tis's the back of it...

Hahaha!!!! Tis is the 1st preservation work tat I done!!!! They "were" dragonfly, grassopper n the small 1 is ladybird...My father caught all tis 4 me...Actually, there were still 3 butterfies, 2 more dragonflies, 1 big grasshopper n 1 more insect tat I don't know its name. But, I only managed 2 preserve these 3 insects.

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