Friday, June 19, 2009

My F6 life is back...Bad news....

Long time didn't write new post ady!!! Start 2 bz...... Coz my F6 life is back after 2 weeks holiday.....I enjoy my bz life.....However I hvn't recover from illlness yet!!! Wat a long disaster!!! Torture a lot....ady changed 2 types of medicine....Haiz~~~~Wat's wrong with my health???? Please come back!!! I need u so much!!!!

Actually, many things happened after the skul started back.

1) Finally we study in a proper class..with less student..Now, my class, PU1SN only got 30 student. There are some indian student who stil want 2 go 2 AIMST.

2) Natdy came 2 study F6...which was 4 only 1 day...She just want 2 fill her free time at home b4 her AIMST July intake..

3) Sexy hottie "quite" F6 ady...She decided 2 study in TAR...But, I heard tat she'll only get in TAR next year coz TAR don't accept student 4 tis year any more.

4) Mr.Giam replaced En.Izhar place n bcome our Chemist teacher. So, it's like doing revision when we hv Chemist class in skul coz we ady studied those things in his tuition class.

5) I missed the registration 4 MUET test. Actually, I gave up. Coz there were too many things tat we don't understand. Not about the test...It's about the way 2 post the registration form...Haiz~~~ Tis afternoon Teacher Shangkeri asked me about it. N I told her tat I didn't passed the form n I wanted 2 ask her but she didn't come 4 2 weeks... She said if next time got any emergency, I can asked 4 her phone from admin...

6) Abigail get the offer 2 go Matrik. She got the offer from Matrik Perlis. So, she can meet Janice there.....I'm jealous here....

7) WC changed from Ibrahim 2 my skul oredi!!! Hahahaha!!!

Yet, there r bad news too....Janice's father passed away tis afternoon....I felt shocked when I saw her sms. Coz it was a sudden!!! Really feel very sad 4 her...Coz many bad things happened 2 her family tis year...Her father is just 49 years old n died of sudden heart attack. Don't know who's gonna take over her father's new compay. How's Janice's life will be in the future? Will she be the happy Janice back? I felt scared when I came 2 know about the news coz I oredi hv 2 frens tat their father died of heart attack...2moro I'm gonna go 2 her house 2 offer my condolence.

Besides, I fell down in the toilet tis morning n hurt my ankle...It hurts a lot!!! but, luckily, I didn't broke my arm....

1 comment:

  1. hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
