Sunday, December 4, 2011

Photosynthesis Video

   Previously, in my foundation life, I took Biology subject last sem n we required 2 do a video about factors affecting photosynthesis! So, we decided 2 make our own video. N thanks 2 Charlotte Tang (I officially thank you here) who provided us idea n thoughts 2 do a stop-motion video. It's nt so hard. Frankly speaking, we kicked asses of the other group coz they all juz downloaded video from Utube. At last, I gt a good coursework marks! I cn't put my video here, so I might jus show u a few pics. Those cute little things were my group member artwork. Thanks 2 her coz I sucks in drawing! So, nw we shall let the pics speak.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Sunway Pyramid again ^.^

Had lunch at Sushi Zanmai.
Tamago sushi.

Mashed potato with carrot & cucumber.

Salmon in the middle

Chatime product.
Matcha Mousse & Jelly Roasted Milk Tea.

Korean food at Asian Avenue.
1st time had korean food.
Honey korean bbq chicken set.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bio lab

 Since it's about Bio Lab, let me take u guys a tour about wat we did n those lab equipments .

Saturday, July 2, 2011

New Bed Cover

Sleep on strawberry topped cake, doughnut n muffin every night.

My pillow case.

Had 2 buy other kind of bolster coz can't the find the match 1.


1st time eating fried pork at Tonkatsu by WaKitchen at Pavillion.

Sauce with grinded sesame...

Hot Ocha. RM 3. Quite bitter.

Cold Ocha. RM4. Nt as bitter as hot ocha. 1st time drank cold ocha in such glass. Kept asking 4 refill.
Pork Loin & Fillet Cutlet set. Every set range from RM 25 - 32, i guess.
    U cn ask 4 refill on ocha, rice n sliced cabbage too. No extra charge. The waiter will b holding a BIG bowl full of sliced cabbage n give u EXTRA MANY MORE sliced cabbage.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Food Pyramid & IMR Logo

Health Science Project / Assignment.
Pair Work : Me & PS.

1) Institute for Medical Research (IMR)
2 New IMR Logo.
1st Logo.

2nd Logo.

Thanks 2 Charlotte.

2) Food Pyamid
1st stage done in Library.
Finishing job done by PS in her house.

PS drew, I coloured.

Only 3 sided.
Made by blue manila card, white paper & other colour paper.

Lack of 7 nutrients.

Excessive of 7 nutrients.

Handwritten by Me.

Keep Changing Timetable

1st 1

2nd 1

At last, the final timetable.

Short Semester.

3 subjects.
Malaysian Studies (Ms. Rosnah)
Health Science (6 Teachers!!!! SO AWESOME!!!)
English For General Proficiency (Ms. Diyana)

3 Groups.
A, B & C.
I'm in Group March 11 B


Recently, I'm learning 2 play tis waveboard. My cousin introduced it 2 me. It's challenging 4 me at 1st. Nt 2 mentioned the injuries tat I suffered after learning it. Luckily juz bruises. N a tore off pants. Hahahaha!!!! I cn master it quite well. So, it's time 4 me 2 learn other waveboard skill!! But, I hvn't buy 1 yet. Stil using my cousin's waveboard.

As far as I know, waveboard could b purchased at 1Utama n Mid Valley. Both r shop tat sell sports accessories. Juz need 2 find.

Joerex brand. RM116

HR Waveboard.

 Another waveboard. Tis 1 is a bit heavier.

      For me, I started with the 1st waveboard n I get used 2 the weight n the strength needed. So, when I use the 2nd board, I cn't really play it well. Not as well as with the 1st waveboard. Coz, since it's heavier, it need more strength 2 push it. N I cn feel the collisions between the wheels n the floor is harsher. So, nw, I'll mostly play using the 1st waveboard.


4 different types of Rocky tat I bought from MSU UShop.
From left 2 right :
Almond Crush
Almond Crush Bitter
Choco Banana

Where?? Sunway Pyramid!

Since I came 2 Shah Alam, I've been 2 Sunway Pyramid three times. 4 the 1st time, I was lucky 2 go with my fren tat has car. But the next few times, I hv 2 go by my own.

4 ppl who dun hv car, then, we hv 2 use public transport...U guys cn take KTM train n go down at Subang Jaya Station. Next, take the mini bus out there..I guess there'll always b a mini bus. HOWEVER, there's only 1 mini bus! Gotta b fast!! Run as soon as u came out from the train!!! The mini bus is quite small. Only hv 12 seat. The bad thing is, the bus is nt air-conditioned!!! Only open window!!! Luckily, the journey is nt long, juz 10 min, I suppose. The bus wil stop at the opposite road of Sunway Pyramid. U juz need 2 walk on the cross-over bridge.

As the journey back, I'm nt sure about using tis mini bus coz I can't find it. Mayb we need 2 walk 2 the opposite road where the bus driver dropped us. 4 me, I used taxi 2 go back 2 my place. There's a taxi booth where u cn get taxi easily. I think it's in front of the main entrance of G floor. U cn c the queue of taxi.

Mini Bus Ticket, RM1.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Wesak Day Celebration

Organised by Tzu Chi Organization.

There r food in those boxes.

Line by line. Waiting 4 our turn.

At Stadium Petaling Jaya.