Sunday, June 19, 2011

Food Pyramid & IMR Logo

Health Science Project / Assignment.
Pair Work : Me & PS.

1) Institute for Medical Research (IMR)
2 New IMR Logo.
1st Logo.

2nd Logo.

Thanks 2 Charlotte.

2) Food Pyamid
1st stage done in Library.
Finishing job done by PS in her house.

PS drew, I coloured.

Only 3 sided.
Made by blue manila card, white paper & other colour paper.

Lack of 7 nutrients.

Excessive of 7 nutrients.

Handwritten by Me.

Keep Changing Timetable

1st 1

2nd 1

At last, the final timetable.

Short Semester.

3 subjects.
Malaysian Studies (Ms. Rosnah)
Health Science (6 Teachers!!!! SO AWESOME!!!)
English For General Proficiency (Ms. Diyana)

3 Groups.
A, B & C.
I'm in Group March 11 B


Recently, I'm learning 2 play tis waveboard. My cousin introduced it 2 me. It's challenging 4 me at 1st. Nt 2 mentioned the injuries tat I suffered after learning it. Luckily juz bruises. N a tore off pants. Hahahaha!!!! I cn master it quite well. So, it's time 4 me 2 learn other waveboard skill!! But, I hvn't buy 1 yet. Stil using my cousin's waveboard.

As far as I know, waveboard could b purchased at 1Utama n Mid Valley. Both r shop tat sell sports accessories. Juz need 2 find.

Joerex brand. RM116

HR Waveboard.

 Another waveboard. Tis 1 is a bit heavier.

      For me, I started with the 1st waveboard n I get used 2 the weight n the strength needed. So, when I use the 2nd board, I cn't really play it well. Not as well as with the 1st waveboard. Coz, since it's heavier, it need more strength 2 push it. N I cn feel the collisions between the wheels n the floor is harsher. So, nw, I'll mostly play using the 1st waveboard.


4 different types of Rocky tat I bought from MSU UShop.
From left 2 right :
Almond Crush
Almond Crush Bitter
Choco Banana

Where?? Sunway Pyramid!

Since I came 2 Shah Alam, I've been 2 Sunway Pyramid three times. 4 the 1st time, I was lucky 2 go with my fren tat has car. But the next few times, I hv 2 go by my own.

4 ppl who dun hv car, then, we hv 2 use public transport...U guys cn take KTM train n go down at Subang Jaya Station. Next, take the mini bus out there..I guess there'll always b a mini bus. HOWEVER, there's only 1 mini bus! Gotta b fast!! Run as soon as u came out from the train!!! The mini bus is quite small. Only hv 12 seat. The bad thing is, the bus is nt air-conditioned!!! Only open window!!! Luckily, the journey is nt long, juz 10 min, I suppose. The bus wil stop at the opposite road of Sunway Pyramid. U juz need 2 walk on the cross-over bridge.

As the journey back, I'm nt sure about using tis mini bus coz I can't find it. Mayb we need 2 walk 2 the opposite road where the bus driver dropped us. 4 me, I used taxi 2 go back 2 my place. There's a taxi booth where u cn get taxi easily. I think it's in front of the main entrance of G floor. U cn c the queue of taxi.

Mini Bus Ticket, RM1.