Monday, May 3, 2010

Bad Luck!!! Bad Luck!!!

Oh!!! Wat a bad luck i have 4 last week!!!!!

1st, I fell down in canteen on Monday!!! It was bcoz of the chair!!! I think the chair was oredi broken n they (maybe some moron) stil purposely or maybe unintended 2 stil let student use the chair!!! N i'm the "soi" 1 who went 2 sit on tat chair!!! At 1st, my buttock was very pain, barely can sit properly....Luckily, there were no any bruises.... Fuh....

But, demon won't let u go after the 1st round, bad luck came continuosly...So, it happened on Wednesday's night, after tuition. I was heading 2 my car n suddenly tripped down as it was dark n I was aware tat there was a hole underneath. With that, I sprained my ankle, more precise is my joints is injured. Unfortunately, the wound is on my left leg n I still hv 2 drive back home with manual car!!! I really can feel the pain when I pressed on the clutch...So, I was like driving n crying at the same time....I wonder wat would people think if they saw me like tat...They must be wondering : "Wat happened 2 her?" Haha!!! Therefor, I just stopped crying n quickly drove back while I stil hv the strength. Haiz.... N nw my leg stil hurt n swollen...

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