Friday, June 19, 2009

My F6 life is back...Bad news....

Long time didn't write new post ady!!! Start 2 bz...... Coz my F6 life is back after 2 weeks holiday.....I enjoy my bz life.....However I hvn't recover from illlness yet!!! Wat a long disaster!!! Torture a lot....ady changed 2 types of medicine....Haiz~~~~Wat's wrong with my health???? Please come back!!! I need u so much!!!!

Actually, many things happened after the skul started back.

1) Finally we study in a proper class..with less student..Now, my class, PU1SN only got 30 student. There are some indian student who stil want 2 go 2 AIMST.

2) Natdy came 2 study F6...which was 4 only 1 day...She just want 2 fill her free time at home b4 her AIMST July intake..

3) Sexy hottie "quite" F6 ady...She decided 2 study in TAR...But, I heard tat she'll only get in TAR next year coz TAR don't accept student 4 tis year any more.

4) Mr.Giam replaced En.Izhar place n bcome our Chemist teacher. So, it's like doing revision when we hv Chemist class in skul coz we ady studied those things in his tuition class.

5) I missed the registration 4 MUET test. Actually, I gave up. Coz there were too many things tat we don't understand. Not about the test...It's about the way 2 post the registration form...Haiz~~~ Tis afternoon Teacher Shangkeri asked me about it. N I told her tat I didn't passed the form n I wanted 2 ask her but she didn't come 4 2 weeks... She said if next time got any emergency, I can asked 4 her phone from admin...

6) Abigail get the offer 2 go Matrik. She got the offer from Matrik Perlis. So, she can meet Janice there.....I'm jealous here....

7) WC changed from Ibrahim 2 my skul oredi!!! Hahahaha!!!

Yet, there r bad news too....Janice's father passed away tis afternoon....I felt shocked when I saw her sms. Coz it was a sudden!!! Really feel very sad 4 her...Coz many bad things happened 2 her family tis year...Her father is just 49 years old n died of sudden heart attack. Don't know who's gonna take over her father's new compay. How's Janice's life will be in the future? Will she be the happy Janice back? I felt scared when I came 2 know about the news coz I oredi hv 2 frens tat their father died of heart attack...2moro I'm gonna go 2 her house 2 offer my condolence.

Besides, I fell down in the toilet tis morning n hurt my ankle...It hurts a lot!!! but, luckily, I didn't broke my arm....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Interesting Bio Tuition....

2day was the just the 2nd time of Bio tuition. 2day, we watched Transformer n Drag Me To Hell trailer. Besides, we oso watched the video clip of Hollie Steel performance during semi final in Britain's Got Talent. She was singing Edelweiss. Undoubtedly, her singing was very great. If she want 2 develop in singing career, I'm sure she can success. Then, teacher talked about his most favourite 3 movies. Matrix, The Lord Of The Ring n Forrest Gump. He said Forrest Gump was the 1st movie tat touched him until he cried. Definitely, Forrest Gump is an inspiring movie.

Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get - Forrest Gump

Multigrain Apple Cake (Should I call it cake?) Many types of grain on the surface n pieces of baked apple between the cake.

Chocolate Cookie

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'll be back!!! My lovely EC class...

Finally, yesterday, I found the song I want!!!! YEAH~~~~~~GOT U!!!!! Tokyo Et Paris. It's from the Nodame Cantabile Paris-hen OST. I like it at the 1st time I listen 2 it. I like the singer voice n the background violin music....Hehehe~~~Coz, recently, I listen 2 quite a lot of classical music....

Haiz~~~~2day went 2 EC class. Don't know when can I go again.......Sob~~~~Sob~~~~ I want 2 attend EC class every sunday!!!!! Really sad~~~ 2day teacher divided us into group. He wanted us 2 talk n know each other....I was with Ms.May. When I told her about my ambition, 2 be a forensic science doctor, she was very surprised!! I know. Mostly ppl will be surprised when I told them I want 2 be a forensic science doctor. Then, she seems very interested towards my ambition. Kept asking me about it. She said tat I'm brave, over-mature (I don't think so....) n hv big curiousity...She said she admire my braveness n if I can succeed in tis field, then, it's good.....Hehehe....Then, I told her I hv been 2 a body anatomise display room (I don't know wat should I call the room) n hv seen real dead bodies b4. I think tat my experience creeps her out. Hahaha~~~

Actually, I want 2 be in Lau group....Got Ho & Lau.... Funnier ma....Teacher said next time he'll put me n Ho in a group, coz I'm not afraid of answering nonsense question. Hahaha!!! Coz Ho kept asking Faizah nonsense question until she can't answer it. He's just a kid....Haiz.....I should grab 2 be in same group with Lau...Curious about him....Then, teacher said tat tis was the 1st time he saw me talked a lot. Is it? Maybe...Coz I don't talk a lot there. I'm gonna miss u all!!!! Mark my word! I'll be back!!! My lovely EC class....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


   Got sick recently. Went 2 see a chinese traditional doctor ady. I believe more on chinese traditional doctor coz I think the medicine is more effective n better. Last time, I used 2 hv asthma 4 temporarily coz my stomach got wind. I didn't get well after I took western medicine. Then only I recovered after I seek help from chinese traditional doctor. Since then, I'll only go 2 c a chinese traditional doctor if I'm sick. As 4 y I'm sick tis time, I don't know how 2 explain.

The doctor suggeted me tat I try tis alternative medicine. Put in a slice of ginger n brown sugar into a glass of hot water. I can drink it when I hv flu or cough again next time. 

See? So many packet of medicine. Hv 2 consume 1 packet in every 3 hour.

Powder form medicine.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Finally, Bio tuition started...I Philic U, My California Handroll n Strawberry Milkshake...

   Just went 4 Bio tuition. Finally, it has started! The teacher, Mr Khor is damn funny!!! He's a retired teacher. He teached in skul 4 18 years n then be a full time tuition teacher 4 2o years. Yet, he said tat he's just 20 years old!! Hahha!!His teaching style oso very unique!! Never saw such teaching way...He prepared his note by using Microsoft PowerPoint. Got sound effect somemore!! Then, he showed those notes by projector in slide show form. He said it's no use 4 us 2 copy notes. An effective learning will be 83% of visual n 17% of hearing. Therefore, he said his 1 hour n 20 min tuition hour is equivalent 2 4 tuition hour if we learn under his own teaching way. He oso said tat at 1st, our concentration is 100%, then, about don't know how many minutes, it'll decrease till 3% (is it true? become so low ah? any scientific prove?). Hence, 2 increace back our concentration, he gave us 2 watch a movie trailer. Therefore, in every lesson next time, we'll watch 2 movie trailer. Just now, we watched "Angels and Demons" n "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" trailer. He mentioned about the actor who act as the young priest in A&D is handsome too. He only watched A&D bcoz of him. Funny!! Mr Khor's notebook is very sophisticated!!! It's touchscreen 1 !! He said if we r shy 2 say I Love You, we can say it in another way, which is I Philic You. Coz Philic means like or love in scientific term. He did give us a lot of information!! I bet I'll definitely love 2 attend his class!!! Lovin' It!!

My homemade Stawberry Milkshake. I'm sure u all know how 2 make it. It just need a few easy step. I think next time I should put in some Strawberry flavour milk too..2 make the milkshake more pinky.. Hahah!! I cut a slice of strawberry as decoration.

YUMMY!!! My favourite California Handroll. Must eat with Japanese soy sauce... Hahaha!! Bought from Tesco la. Not handmade 1 la....It's quite cheap.