Tuesday, June 2, 2009


   Got sick recently. Went 2 see a chinese traditional doctor ady. I believe more on chinese traditional doctor coz I think the medicine is more effective n better. Last time, I used 2 hv asthma 4 temporarily coz my stomach got wind. I didn't get well after I took western medicine. Then only I recovered after I seek help from chinese traditional doctor. Since then, I'll only go 2 c a chinese traditional doctor if I'm sick. As 4 y I'm sick tis time, I don't know how 2 explain.

The doctor suggeted me tat I try tis alternative medicine. Put in a slice of ginger n brown sugar into a glass of hot water. I can drink it when I hv flu or cough again next time. 

See? So many packet of medicine. Hv 2 consume 1 packet in every 3 hour.

Powder form medicine.

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