Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mid Valley~~

Had lunch at Domino's Pizza
Aloha Chicken

Classified Chicken

Had tea time at Sushi King.
Hahahah!! We only ate 3 plate of sushi.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

My BIG + IOI day!!!!

Our McD breakfast

Thanks Charlotte 4 making me tis little flag or watever...

Wrote a letter "W" with grape jam...

McD Hash Brown

Wrote something again on the another pancake.
Guess wat did i write...

Apple Pie

Had lunch at Papa John's

A piece of Hawaiian Chicken pizza

Had a short nice trip in KLIA Transit train...
Comfortable seat = Expensive transport fee

Chocolate n Coffee ice cream cake. From Baker's Cottage.

Friday, December 17, 2010

A day in Sunway Pyramid

Free coffee 4 us on their anniversary.

Had lunch in Sushi Zanmai.

Unagi Rice

Kaki Fry

Had Japan imported ice cream as dessert.
Bought from Shojikiya. 2 4 RM10.
It's as big as my palm.
Charlotte had Macha Tsubuan Monaka.

Mine is Brown Sugar Taiyaki Ice cream.
See? A big Black fish..

A thin layer of red bean on top n vanila ice cream underneath it.
Tasty but very sweet...

Had Arab food as dinner...The taste is unique!!!
Steamed chicken rice.
Small bread (So BIG!!!)

Left is Yoghurt. Right is Foul.

Friday, December 3, 2010

My shoe!


Wat do u think?

With my name on the right shoe.

Thanks Charlotte!!!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Yoyoyo!!! FINISHED 1ST PAPER...JLin7..

Ya...It's been a while....Just dropped by 2 share wat I feel at tis moment! Hahahahha!!! I feel great but i try 2 keep it down...Must keep it down or else ppl might thought I hv great confidence!!! Actually, I just had my 1st STPM paper finished....PA..n yet I'm here...Stil hv 7 papers 2 go through!!! Hahahaahah....It's next week, next next week n next next next week!!!!! Then, I'm FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!! N then, it's my 1I birthday...Oh!!! Gonna step in B0 life...Haiz....Do I look I'm B0??? Ppl always said I only look like 1E or 1F...Hahahahah!!! Must keep it!!!!

Nw, back to my PA paper! Erm, I cn only say tat I managed 2 finish all the ques...But stil worry about the answer...maybe the answer scheme doesn't include my answer!! Oh! I'm worry about tat... My fren said it's hard, but I think it's A or A- achievable...4 me...I better don't slip tat out...If nt later I cn't get A or A-, it's a shame...We hv done 1 of the ques, so.....dunno...

N I want 2 say 1 more thing....Hehehehehehhe....Recently, I kinda hv a crush on some1...Hmmm...He's a basketball player...He plays NBA...He might nt look handsome but I just like the way he is....As u know, it's a crush...maybe I won't like him after sometime...N i better nt 2 mention his name here....

1 more, just had an account in twitter... wanna follow him...hehehehe...n other star....

Saturday, July 17, 2010


SLURPEE!!!! Oh! My latest favourite drink.... hehe... B4 tis, the SLURPEE machine broke down in most of the 7-11 shop in my area, so i didn't hv chance 2 taste it. N nw the machine is ok n I'm going 2 try all kind of SLURPEE flavour they hv.. I hv only tried 4 flavour till nw...Coke, Orange, CheeseCake (WEIRD!!!!) n Soda only.

So, this is CheeseCake flavour SLURPEE !!!

N, tis is Soda flavour....

Friday, June 11, 2010

Some1 please tell me!!!!!!!!!!

Tell me...Tell me...Ah..Ah..Ah...Ah..Ah...Tell me...

Me : Is he OK in looking?
Ch girl : I think he's ugly!
Me : Wat?Really ah?
M&M : Ya lo! Y u like him?
Me : I thought u said he's OK?
M&M : ><" So, u want 2 find a handsome guy la?
Me : No......

4 me, he's Ok. Not handsome n not good looking... I think I should have faith on my feeling... instead of listening 2 too many ppl opinion...

别人说的话 随便听一听 自己作决定 ~~ 黃小琥-沒那麼簡單

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sweet dream...

Hmmm..>///<...Yesterday I had a dream....It was a sweet dream...I dreamed about me n PCK (his nickname only) or 黑白配...Hehehehehehe...

So, who's tis PCK? He's a guy tat's same age with me....He study in SMKI...I think he's OK in his looking...but my fren said tat he's bad looking...I don't know!!!!! I'm sort of having good feeling towards him...Not like...Not love...Not admire...Juz .....Sometimes i'll look at him during tuition (coz he sit a few row in front of me)....

OK...The dream last night....I can't remember exactly wat happened in the dream...I can only remember PCK was talking 2 me...U know? Kind of dating... 1 girl n 1 boy sitting face 2 face...with no other ppl around..The most important thing is I remember my feeling during tat moment!!! It was so real n I was so evolved in the situation, emotion n environment...Wat makes me write tis dream in tis post is tat kind of sweet feeling...Like dating...sweet but nervous...>/////< Blushing....

As a conclusion, it's juz a dream....


I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine untasted

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they turn your hope apart
As they turn your dreams to shame

And still I dream had come to me
That we would live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from the hell I am living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed

Monday, May 17, 2010

Hari Sukaneka...DAMN YOU!!! MFD!!!

2day was Hari Sukaneka 4 Lower Six in my skul. It wasn't quite fun bcoz a few incident which I'm lazy 2 talk about it. Maybe I'll talk about it next time?!

I'm angry with some1 which more precisely if accordingly 2 my mood nw, it's 3 person. 2 boys n 1 girl. 2 My boys n 1 Ch girl!!! I dare 2 say tat I HATE tat Ch girl the most!!! She's so annoying!!!!!! OH!!! MFD!!! I can't not stop HATING her!!!! She is such a pretender!!!! DAMN YOU!!!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Haiz x 100000000000000000000000000000000000!!!!!

I just can't keep sighing 4 these few days!!!!!!!!! Haiz!!!

It was bcoz my leg's wound is worsen!!! I'm so worried!!!! Juz can't stop thinking about it!!!! Haiz!!! I can't rest well n I hv 2 wear socks 2 skul somemore!!! Bside, nw it bcome swollen again!!!! SHIT!!! Haiz!!! When can my leg recover? Even my doctor oso asked me nt 2 be so pesimis!!! Really Haiz!!!!

Hmmmm...2day I met my cute but shy junior...He is a banana. Can talked in English n hokkien only. His name is Kelvin C. He's only F5 but he's big....hehe...Does not look like a F5....Y do I said tat he is cute but shy? He look cute bcoz of his reddish n childish face (tat's y he look younger...) However, he is shy...So shy.... >///=o
Unfortunately, he talked like a badass!!!! He just talked like he never hv home edu....So impolite....Haiz!!! (Ops!!! Again!!) Ever1 is imperfect. So do I...

Monday, May 3, 2010

Bad Luck!!! Bad Luck!!!

Oh!!! Wat a bad luck i have 4 last week!!!!!

1st, I fell down in canteen on Monday!!! It was bcoz of the chair!!! I think the chair was oredi broken n they (maybe some moron) stil purposely or maybe unintended 2 stil let student use the chair!!! N i'm the "soi" 1 who went 2 sit on tat chair!!! At 1st, my buttock was very pain, barely can sit properly....Luckily, there were no any bruises.... Fuh....

But, demon won't let u go after the 1st round, bad luck came continuosly...So, it happened on Wednesday's night, after tuition. I was heading 2 my car n suddenly tripped down as it was dark n I was aware tat there was a hole underneath. With that, I sprained my ankle, more precise is my joints is injured. Unfortunately, the wound is on my left leg n I still hv 2 drive back home with manual car!!! I really can feel the pain when I pressed on the clutch...So, I was like driving n crying at the same time....I wonder wat would people think if they saw me like tat...They must be wondering : "Wat happened 2 her?" Haha!!! Therefor, I just stopped crying n quickly drove back while I stil hv the strength. Haiz.... N nw my leg stil hurt n swollen...

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Can't Sleep Well !!!!!!! Preparation 4 Forum Remaja..

Haiz~~~ I just can't sleep well these few days!!! My mum said it was because of stress...I guess so~~ Last week was my April monthly exam. Followed by tis Forum Remaja which I didn't expect tat i'll get participate at all!!! It was all of a sudden!!! Just after finished my last paper, I hv 2 start the practise coz the competition will b held on Monday, which is 2moro....Counted from Thursday, I only hv 3 days 2 get prepared!!!! Can u imagine how stress could I be as we need 2 start from zero?

Topic + Ideas + Speech text + Experience = Zero

After practised for like more than 15 times ( I think so, all mostly bcoz of our pengerusi!!!!), I think I've oredi memorized all my text. I think our panels r ok. The problem is just our pengerusi!!!! He kept stuttered n repeat his text n even forget some text!!! Isk!!! But, I think my fluctuation of intonation is a little bit weird!!!

I hope the hardwork tat we all did 4 tis forum wil b worthy!!! Wish me good luck!!!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Junk Food

New product of ChupaChupa~~~Double head lolipop~~~Orange and honey melon flavor~~~
I think another flavor is chocolate and peanut...Hvn't taste it yet!! But, I think I'll like it~~~

New product too~~~(Maybe???)

Milk flavor yogurt jelly

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Melaka Trip - 26/3/10

Welcome To Melaka!

Makhota Parade

One of the shops in Jonker Walk

Museum Marine

Menara Taming Sari during night

Spring Potato

Fuh!!! Bz!!!

Long time didn't write a new post ady!!! Hmmmm~~~Fell like wanna write post in Mandarin...Aiyah!!! Write in English la!!! Recently, I'm quite pessimist!! There were so many things happened during tis year!!! Oh!!! last year on 15/12, finally I've bought the phone tat I always wanted 2 hv!!! N85!!! Huuray!!! In oder to get good n cheaper price as well as original phone, I went 2 Butterworth 2 get it!!! But, I think it's worth coz I bought the full black version which can be said as limited version as many shop only sell black-chocolate version!!! I like tis phone very much!!!
Yet, nw it has broken!!! Sob~~~~It got crack on the inner screen!!! The phone stil can function well but the screen is just totally blank!!! I think I'll bring it back 2 get fix at the shop tat I bought from!!!