Monday, March 30, 2009

Frustrating stuff...Happy meal....

   Finally! I got my hair cut short! My "long" hair has annoyed me 4 a long time oredi. Don't care how's my hairstyle. I just want it 2 be short. My head is light now....

   Yet,I still hv a problem. My car test didn't pass AGAIN!!!! AGAIN!!! Twice oredi!!! Twice!!! I failed under the same reason!!!!! Stupid!! Most of frens can pass within the 1st time they took the test!!! Me? Hv 2 take 4 the third time!!!! Feel ashamed with it!! Hv 2 pay money somemore!!! Stupid!!! Really frustrated!!! Now I'm very desperate 2 PASS!!! MUST PASS!!! Please!!! God!!! Please bless me!!! I hv 2 PASS!!!! I don't want 2 go there anymore!!! Waiting 4 my turn at there is absolutely a torture!!! Haiz....Y can't I pass? Y must I take the test again n again? Please la!!! For God's sake, please let me PASS!!! I really can't take it anymore!!!

Recently, I hv bought a set of bed cover. It's blue in colour n has cute cartoon on it. It's called "Happy Meal"

My "Happy Meal" Pillow Case
My "Happy Meal" Bed Cover

Isn't it cute?

   Just now I got a phone call from NL. Not very surprising. We talked about more than half an hour (I think more than an hour). She wanted 2 ask my opinion about buying an IPod or Sony MP4. I'm glad tat she asked 4 my opinion. Then we talked about her plan of furthering her studies either in Matrix / JPA / Multimedia U in Foundation Of Law (I didn't talk much about mine), many ppl in WS's PLKN camp especially malays are being possessed (so creepy), wat she did 2 avoid being possessed in camp during her time, other fren's plan n wat she did recently. I think she's now clear about wat she want 2 achieve in future. Law or Pharmacy. Both of us want 2 go 4 Master. In the future, we gonna go take different road. We won't be in the same class anymore. We'll hv our own life. Mybe her life will be better than me. But, who knows? I just wanna an ordinary life. Can I live peacefully n happily in the future ? Tat's a question....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Piggy Pao Day...Surprise Call...

   Guess wat! 2day I went 2 visit SMKI. With my fren CT. She's a formal student there n she wanted 2 get signature from her teacher. So I got the chance 2 surf the whole skul with her guidance n introduction of her skul. I might study F6 there. It's better 4 me 2 know the environment earlier. 4 me, it's quite old n there r cracks everywhere in the skul building. Yet,it's still bigger than my skul. No matter wat, I still like my skul,SMKBA. It's newer n I like the environment there. Sob.......I want 2 study back in SMKBA....I miss my skul....Maybe I'm just unfamiliar 2 SMKI. Must try 2 like tis skul. Then we went 2 hv lunch at Mst.C with another fren, Janice. This was my lunch.
Mango n Lemon Yogurt.Japanese Spicy Mee
my dessert was
Cute Piggy Pao stuffed with sweet corn

   After tat, we just went shopping in the mall. CT spent the most money during the shopping. Ah! I went 2 buy some old National Geography magazines(really old!!! got even 1996 year de) in a shop tat sell some old magazines in a very cheap price. Then, I found the same kind of old NG magazine which sold in the same price in Popular. So, I grabbed another copy (Not the same 1). I got 2 buy a pair of cross shape glow-in-the-dark earings which I always wanted 2 buy 1.

   The next thing is my cousin called me by a miracle. He called 2 talk just bcos he's bored doing his homework. It really surprised me!!!He never called me just 4 chatting. Oh! We didn't hv a long conversation but we did talk a lot. About his SPM, about his understanding on account, about his life recently......Bla bla bla...I'm glad tat he still think about me when he's "bored". Not bad!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Repeating lifestyle n grumbling...

   Spent 2day just like how I spent my yesterday. Watching Bones repeatly without feeling weary of it. 

   U know? I'm an introvert people. I spent most of my time in house. I don't like 2 go out. I prefer 2 sit in front of computer rather than go out 2 socialize with people. Yet, I still a couple of frens. They r all good students. I hv some frens who get straight A1 in their SPM. I didn't get jealous. But TJ2 got straight A1. That's surprised me but didn't impressed me. NL got straight A1 as wat we has expected. They all applied 4 JPA scholarship.

   The list of ppl who get shortlisted has came out 2day. I think ppl that got straight A1 or more than 9 A1 are shortlisted. Even raise-clavicle-girl can got shortlisted. However I didn't applied 4 it. I didn't hv the qualification they request 4. My result is bad compared 2 my brilliant frens. Their brilliance make me look dumb. They cried happily over their excellent result while me crying at behind of my bad result.

   Ok! Let's don't talk about this sad thing(4 me,it's a pathetic experience). Yesterday my BLACK teacher asked me 2 type out my essays tittled "My English Class". He wanted 2 stick it on the information board. At tat time, I felt a little bit proud of myself. But, tat's not my best paperwork. I only roughly wrote what I thought at that moment out. After that I recalled about someone. Someone whose English r better. Then I don't feel proud anymore. I think 2 days more,the list of ppl who applied 4 PPC get shortlisted will come out. I don't mind if I don't get shortlisted. I'm quite determined to go 4 F6. 

Here, I'm gonna show u my new spec.

Hi ! I'm back in another way...

Yo! I'm back. I've deleted my previous blog which I used to write in Chinese. Now I'm gonna write it in English.Fooh....My eyes r tired. I guess it's because of my new spec....Not get used 2 it yet...But I like my new spec (who doesn't like new things?)Bling Bling.... I do look like wise ppl when I wear it. It's kind of cool! None of my frens have seen me with my new spec yet. Wanna give them a visual shock..Hehehe