Monday, March 30, 2009

Frustrating stuff...Happy meal....

   Finally! I got my hair cut short! My "long" hair has annoyed me 4 a long time oredi. Don't care how's my hairstyle. I just want it 2 be short. My head is light now....

   Yet,I still hv a problem. My car test didn't pass AGAIN!!!! AGAIN!!! Twice oredi!!! Twice!!! I failed under the same reason!!!!! Stupid!! Most of frens can pass within the 1st time they took the test!!! Me? Hv 2 take 4 the third time!!!! Feel ashamed with it!! Hv 2 pay money somemore!!! Stupid!!! Really frustrated!!! Now I'm very desperate 2 PASS!!! MUST PASS!!! Please!!! God!!! Please bless me!!! I hv 2 PASS!!!! I don't want 2 go there anymore!!! Waiting 4 my turn at there is absolutely a torture!!! Haiz....Y can't I pass? Y must I take the test again n again? Please la!!! For God's sake, please let me PASS!!! I really can't take it anymore!!!

Recently, I hv bought a set of bed cover. It's blue in colour n has cute cartoon on it. It's called "Happy Meal"

My "Happy Meal" Pillow Case
My "Happy Meal" Bed Cover

Isn't it cute?

   Just now I got a phone call from NL. Not very surprising. We talked about more than half an hour (I think more than an hour). She wanted 2 ask my opinion about buying an IPod or Sony MP4. I'm glad tat she asked 4 my opinion. Then we talked about her plan of furthering her studies either in Matrix / JPA / Multimedia U in Foundation Of Law (I didn't talk much about mine), many ppl in WS's PLKN camp especially malays are being possessed (so creepy), wat she did 2 avoid being possessed in camp during her time, other fren's plan n wat she did recently. I think she's now clear about wat she want 2 achieve in future. Law or Pharmacy. Both of us want 2 go 4 Master. In the future, we gonna go take different road. We won't be in the same class anymore. We'll hv our own life. Mybe her life will be better than me. But, who knows? I just wanna an ordinary life. Can I live peacefully n happily in the future ? Tat's a question....

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