Sunday, May 3, 2009

CT 18th Birthday~~Troubling Problem!!

2day is CT's birthday!! Although we can't meet each other n celebrate 2gether, I still sent her e-card!! Four birthday e-card!! I still remember tat CT always buy me expensive present every year during my birthday n make her own special birthday card 4 me. Last year she bought me a shirt n drew something on it. Besides, she oso make 2 badges exclusively only 4 me.

Tis 2 r the sweet & mic shape badges tat CT sew by her own.

On the other hand, I only give her cheap n affordable present 4 her like cup, clothes n bag (share with another 2 fren). Hmmmm~~ I can't remember wat else present did I give her!! Oredi known her n being best fren of each other 4 11 years!! She really delight my life n bring happiness 2 me. THANKS A LOT, CT & HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!! HV A SWEET BIRTHDAY!!

My mother's cousin (only 25 years old la!!) will get marry on 9/5, Wesak Day!! I'm gonna bring camera n take photo with them. Our bride has a few siblings which all include the bride stay in Singapore. All of them imigrated 2 Singapore n only left their parents here. So, I must grab tis chance 2 keep some memories 4 reminisciment in the future.

Sigh~~Recently, I hv a few fren who got the offer 2 go Matrix. Janice is 1 of them. I always thought tat Janice can go 2 F6 with me. Who knows she get better fortune.....N WS n Kitten got the chance 2 go interview 4 PISMP too. Wat if they get it ? Who's gonna accompany me 2 F6? Although XY wants 2 go 2 F6 too, she choose different skul n Physics while I choose Bio. If we may go 2 the same skul, we won't be in the same class too!! Haiz!!! As 4 raise-clavicle-girl, she still hv JPA n rayuan 4 PPC n Matrix. She may be good luck enough 2 get 1 of them. I'm afraid of being alone. I always wanted my fren 2 accompany me. I don't want 2 walk alone, eat alone, go 2 toilet alone....We can check whether we can 2 F6 on 6/5. Only 3 days 2 go. I'm very nervous n anxious now!! I'm afraid tat I can't go 2 F6 with my results. F6 is the only exit 4 me!! Every1 seems 2 be sure n confident about their future bcos they'll definitely go 2 U. Wat about me ?

1 comment:

  1. aww.... i only read your post recently....thank you for being my best friend too!! you listen to my problems when i am down and is always there when i need you!!!
