Friday, May 29, 2009

Sukaneka Day

   Wednesday, 27/5, was my school "Hari Sukaneka", in English is "Variety Games Day". Haha...I just translate directly. Tis activity was organised exclusively 4 lower 6 student, which is us. Organised purposely 4 upper six 2 bully or fool lower 6. 1st, I was about 2 absent on tat day. However, I got some source from senior saying tat student who absent will be called out their name during the assembly. OK. Since the senior oredi tell us their "experience", so, I hv 2 go. 
   The previous day we hv been divided into groups. All 11 group. I was in the 11th group, the last group which consists of all girls from my class, PU1SN1.  Every group r required 2 do their own name tag. My group's name tag is only a simple 1. I'll show it when I get it back from senior. They want 2 value the most creative n inovative name tag so they took all name tag.

   On tat day, our opponent is group 8 which consists of 10 ppl while my group only hv 8 girls. All of us hv 2 play 6 games n every head of each group must get more than 20 signature from all station n group facilitator (faci) after we finished all the games. Besides, every group's head n vice-head must carry a biscuit with them n make sure tat the biscuit is completely undestroyed after all games. Seems like a tough task, right? 

    The 1st game we play at the 1st station was jumping along a distance in a sack with balls in it. Not very hard. Yet, my team lose coz some1 fell down n some only walk instead of jumping. So, the punishment was being threw balloons filled with water by the opponent team which surrounded us in a circle. My whole body got wet..... 

   The next game was 2 poke an orange with a stick by using mouth. 1st, u hv 2 turn 10 round, then craw under a table n held a stick with ur mouth which was put on the table. Hence, we must bcareful during the crawling 2 prevent the falling of the stick. If the stick feel on the field (we played at the field) , u hv 2 pick it up by using ur MOUTH !!!! Ok, then, use the stick 2 poke the MOVING orange!! When it was my turn, I can't poke it!!!! Isk!!! Frustrated!!! Then, TIMES UP! We were given 3 minutes 2 finish the competition. Tis time, we lose again... The punishment was not bad. We only need 2 share an orange. It was sweet n we were thirsty too.... hahahah!!!

   The game tat was prepared at our 3rd station was the whole team must walk on bricks. We were only provided 7 bricks. So, must use strategy n calculation la. As we expected, we lose.......The punishment was Ok la.... Each of us need 2 drink some tasteless n bitter coffee....Plus, we were stil thirsty.... 

   Next, the 4th game creeped all of us out!!! It was not about the way 2 play....It was about the punishment!!!! The punishment tat the lose team has 2 receive was rolling on the watery field!!!! We arrived there earlier n the team b4 was still having their punishment!!! How 2 play the game? It was like tis. 1st, they'll close ur eyes with a cloth. Then, turn 10 round n walk 2 front. U need 2 pull a packet of water n the water must fall on u. Normally, a person can't recognise their position after turning 4 10 rounds. So, we were shouting like hell just 2 get our fren go 2 the right way, but, they seems can't hear it!!! AGAIN!!! we lose..... BUT!!!!! Tis time, the faci said tat the team tat won wil get the punishment!!!! We were so happy!!! Jumping up n down!!! We thought tat we were going 2 do it!!! Therefore, tis was the happiest failure tat we all got on tat day!!! Our opponent's team shirt all became very dirty!!!!

   The 5th game was quite easy. We only need 2 throw balls into the basket which was carried by 1 or our team mate n the rest of the team must sing a song. We chose the "ABC" song while our opponent team sang "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star". Every1 can throw 3 balls. No need any guessing... We lose again....The punishment was quite hard. All the team mate were tied 2gether on the left leg n walked in squat way.... It was hard 4 every1 2 move 2gether n we hv 2 hold the ears of ppl in front of us.....Whose stupid idea was tat??????

   Yet, we skipped our game 6. Coz the station oredi finished packing their stuff.... Hahhahah!!! We lose all the matches!!! Then, it was time 2 get signature rom all faci....My team head pulled me along with her....Many faci want us 2 sing 4 them....Some malay senior even want us 2 sing chinese sing 4 them....Those faci said tat last time, their senior really gave them tough task 2 do just 2 get their signature...Again...Whose stupid idea was tat? Then, after recess, it was time 2 judge the integrity of every team biscuits n collect all team's name tag.  There were 4 groups which their biscuits were crushed!!! There4, there were punishment 4 them. They hv 2 make a performance. All 4 groups chose 2 sing. 

   It was a nice day la.. New experience 2 me. Coz I prefer indoor..It's a waste tat I can't take any pic. Coz the faci kept our hp 4 us.

P.S. Talking about the punishment 2wards ppl who absent, it was true. Yesterday, the faci head called out those ppl name during the assembly....But, I don't know wat penalty will they get la....

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