Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Relief Yet Anxious & Annoyed.... Good Or Bad ?

   Finally.........I know which skul am I going 2 study F6...... KJ..... Yesterday midnight checked oredi...Mostly of my skul students will get the offer from KJ la. Haiz!! Can't get the skul i want while GPN get tat skul without any effort!! But, I'll apply 2 change skul la!!

   1st, I'm quite excited!! I'm gonna experience a brand new journey which a lot of ppl refused 2 choose. I'm tat kind of person who prefer to explore the road not taken. Haha!! So, I'm gonna hv a new life style.

   Yet, I stil hv problem la!! I want 2 change skul!! Headache about it!!! N raise-clavicle-girl said tat she want 2 see whether she can suit herself in tat skul or not 1st !!! Tat time oredi late 2 apply 2 change skul!!! Every1 seems relax with it (after they know about F6)!! On the other hand, I'm very nervous n worry about many things!! I asked many info from my fren's bro earlier even b4 I check about F6 so tat I can hv good preparation 2 face F6!!! Plus, I quickly went 2 photostat my birth cert as it was needed 4 registration. 2moro I hv 2 go 2 skul 2 get teacher signature on my paper!! Besides, I rushed 2 buy F6 uniform just now in the afternoon!! Has any1 moved faster than me? I can only think about the way 2 apply 2  change skul!!! N our attire too!! My fren oso made me more anxious n nervous!!! She was troubling by colour of shoe n socks tat we should wear!! She oso raised unnecessary issue like we should wear short or long n light or dark blue skirt!!! Then, I was influenced by her!!! She made me feel more dizzy!!! Hence, I was very emotional n passionate 4 the whole day!!! I know I'm hurry but other ppl just sit back n lay down, R~E~L~A~X only!!! 

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