Sunday, May 31, 2009

Unusual....Fancy envelopes....

   Finally!!! After 3 weeks of F6 life, we hv our 1st holiday. 2 weeks holiday. So, 2day I can go 2 my favourite EC class again...Ladies & Gentleman....I'm back!!! Miss u all!!! 2day topic was about distressed delinquents. Sex parties, thieving n mad highway races seems 2 be the lifestyle of teenagers 2day. It's from 2day The Star newspaper. There were 4 guys n 4 girls. So, teacher suggested tat we hv a debate between boys n girls. Teacher wanted guys 2 be the supporter while we girls ne the opposition team. Hmmmm....I think tat's nothing interesting about the debate. Coz we can't counter back their point....I oso don't hv 2 mood 2 fight....Yet, something unusual happened.....Lau called me....He said : "Chee, u agree, right? U come 2 ur team! "!!!! Hahahahahahahhahaahahahhaahahahahah!!! I was quite surprised....We knew each other first name for such a long time, his 1st name is Lau while mine is Chee ( my teacher call me Chee, I was known as Chee there), but we never talked nor calling each other name.... He said like tat bcoz Mr.Z from his team was disagree about the point. He wanted 2 come 2 our girls team. Hence, some1 must fill in his place la, but teacher insisted him 2 stay in tat team. Hahaha... Besides, Lau cut his hair too. He look neat, but a bit funny. Something 2 do about his hair style la.

   Yesterday, I went 2 CES too. 2 do my EG2 revision test. It was quite easy. The teacher just took it out from EG2 book. Don't want 2 take the test next time.

   Oh!!! Yea!!! Yesterday I met Tong!!! Hahaha!!! Natdy's ex. He was with his mother, elder bro n younger bro. His elder bro seems faliliar 2 me!!! Then, after he turned his face, I realised tat it was him.I think he must hv seen me. We didn't greet each other la. Not even fren with him. I don't know whether he still remember me or not. Then, I met him again on the road. He was driving the car so I don't think he saw me 4 the 2nd time. 

   Want 2 show u all some fancy envelopes tat I collect. I do write letter 2 my cousin. Last time, I oso hv some pen pals. I took the 2nd pic of all envelopes so tat u all can c it nearer n clearer. 

Tis's the 1st fancy envelope I bought a few years ago. I think I bought during my primary skul. I only left tis last 1. I like how the small path lead us 2 the small house. With wooden fences n those flowers tat climb on the fence.

Tis's the 2nd fancy envelope I bought. In tis year. Like those butterflies n colourful flowers .

Tis 1 I just bought it just now. Quite beautiful. Although it's a bit pale. I like the rainbow, the girl with the hat n the bicycle (It's among the lines). N up there, there r " To Convey One's " words. How nice is it.....  


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