Monday, April 27, 2009

Thankful...I Want Good Driving Skill..SHORTIE JACKASS!!!

   The day b4 yesterday, I just finished an essay. The longest essay I've ever wrote. The title is "The Flying Doctor". I put in some features from my favourite Eng drama, Desperate Housewives n Bones. Passed it 2 teacher oredi yesterday. Hope 2 get good respond n comments from him. If my essay is good, then I'll write it out here. 

   Yesterday, our topic in Conversation Class is about Thankful. I said : When some1 do u a favor, but u don't know wat should do 4 tat person back, u only need 2 say 2 words. THANK YOU! But, say it sincerely so tat the person can feel it. They'll think tat they r appreciated n wat they did 4 u is worth. Teacher said every1 thank their parent, so he didn't want us 2 talk about our parent. There was a girl who thanked her BOYFREN!! Y? I don't know....B4 the class started, she came up 2 the centre n went downfloor again (understand?). Then, she's late 2 enter the class although she oredi arrived earlier. She was quite aggresive n emotional during the class. N I think she was having problem with her boyfren at tat moment bcoz she seems not happy when teacher asked about her boyfren n she kept texting with some1. Next, a Chinese guy thanked his boss (who always buy food 4 him), colleague (who taught him a lot) n CANTEEN (although the food there is quite expensive)!! Haha!! Funny!! Then, one "aunty" thanked her workers who r responsible n hardworking followed by a Malay "uncle" who thanked his company, TNB, 4 all the benefits he get as a worker of TNB. As 4 me, I thanked my fren. Really appreciate my fren n wat they did 4 me. Thank you, CT. 4 ur advice, listen 2 me when I hv problems n accept my advice on solving ur emotion problems. Thank you, Janice. 4 supporting me when I failed my car test n always chat with me. Besides, I oso want 2 be thankful 4 my guitar teacher. Both Mr Koay n Mr Mak. Thanks 4 ur willingness 2 teach n share with me everything about guitar. Maybe u guys won't read my blog, but, I still want 2 express my thankness here!!


   Thinking about driving really make me feel puzzled n annoyed.  My reverse n turning skill r really bad. I hope I hv great driving skill like my uncle. He can play the car stering smoothly. I wish I hv the guts tat he own too. Coz, when he speed, I can feel tat my heart is going 2 jump out. He speed like HELL. Like he's the only car on the road!! I hvn't been trained on parking skills by using my mum's car yet. N I don't understand y I can only use one leg 2 drive an auto car??? I feel more comfortable by using both legs 2 control 2 pedals. Yet, i was warned 2 use only right leg....Sigh... 

   Suddenly, I remember some1 !!! Somemore who I really HATE!!! Since Form 2!!! He was a transfer student from Butterworth. So, he was transferred 2 my class during F2. I would like 2 call him SHORTIE JACKASS!! He's short n even shorter than me. FUCK AK!!! How dare u insulted me!!! Don't u dare 2 deny it!!! U'll never know wat I hold in my hand!!! U thought I don't know tat u humiliated me secretly ?? Don't think tat I'm stupid!!! I hv the evidence tat can prove tat u said improper words about me n insulted me on paper!!! Let me tell u something!!! I'm still keeping tat paper!!! U better don't mess with me in future!!! Coz if u do so, I swear I'll put u to DEATH!!! Tat time, don't beg me 4 my forgiveness!!! U better watch out....U better be careful when u r on road....N ur girlfren too....Ah!!! I almost 4got tat u r a playboy.....Then, take care of ALL ur girlfren....REMEMBER, u  r the 1 who pressed the "START" button, so, u must finish the game....Never 4get about the game rules....The most important thing is....My HATRED control tis game....So, now it's my turn 2 continue tis REVENGE game....

1 comment:

  1. 看开一点吧~~充满仇恨的人不快乐~~让敌人难过的最好方法就是活得比他好~~
