Monday, April 27, 2009

Thankful...I Want Good Driving Skill..SHORTIE JACKASS!!!

   The day b4 yesterday, I just finished an essay. The longest essay I've ever wrote. The title is "The Flying Doctor". I put in some features from my favourite Eng drama, Desperate Housewives n Bones. Passed it 2 teacher oredi yesterday. Hope 2 get good respond n comments from him. If my essay is good, then I'll write it out here. 

   Yesterday, our topic in Conversation Class is about Thankful. I said : When some1 do u a favor, but u don't know wat should do 4 tat person back, u only need 2 say 2 words. THANK YOU! But, say it sincerely so tat the person can feel it. They'll think tat they r appreciated n wat they did 4 u is worth. Teacher said every1 thank their parent, so he didn't want us 2 talk about our parent. There was a girl who thanked her BOYFREN!! Y? I don't know....B4 the class started, she came up 2 the centre n went downfloor again (understand?). Then, she's late 2 enter the class although she oredi arrived earlier. She was quite aggresive n emotional during the class. N I think she was having problem with her boyfren at tat moment bcoz she seems not happy when teacher asked about her boyfren n she kept texting with some1. Next, a Chinese guy thanked his boss (who always buy food 4 him), colleague (who taught him a lot) n CANTEEN (although the food there is quite expensive)!! Haha!! Funny!! Then, one "aunty" thanked her workers who r responsible n hardworking followed by a Malay "uncle" who thanked his company, TNB, 4 all the benefits he get as a worker of TNB. As 4 me, I thanked my fren. Really appreciate my fren n wat they did 4 me. Thank you, CT. 4 ur advice, listen 2 me when I hv problems n accept my advice on solving ur emotion problems. Thank you, Janice. 4 supporting me when I failed my car test n always chat with me. Besides, I oso want 2 be thankful 4 my guitar teacher. Both Mr Koay n Mr Mak. Thanks 4 ur willingness 2 teach n share with me everything about guitar. Maybe u guys won't read my blog, but, I still want 2 express my thankness here!!


   Thinking about driving really make me feel puzzled n annoyed.  My reverse n turning skill r really bad. I hope I hv great driving skill like my uncle. He can play the car stering smoothly. I wish I hv the guts tat he own too. Coz, when he speed, I can feel tat my heart is going 2 jump out. He speed like HELL. Like he's the only car on the road!! I hvn't been trained on parking skills by using my mum's car yet. N I don't understand y I can only use one leg 2 drive an auto car??? I feel more comfortable by using both legs 2 control 2 pedals. Yet, i was warned 2 use only right leg....Sigh... 

   Suddenly, I remember some1 !!! Somemore who I really HATE!!! Since Form 2!!! He was a transfer student from Butterworth. So, he was transferred 2 my class during F2. I would like 2 call him SHORTIE JACKASS!! He's short n even shorter than me. FUCK AK!!! How dare u insulted me!!! Don't u dare 2 deny it!!! U'll never know wat I hold in my hand!!! U thought I don't know tat u humiliated me secretly ?? Don't think tat I'm stupid!!! I hv the evidence tat can prove tat u said improper words about me n insulted me on paper!!! Let me tell u something!!! I'm still keeping tat paper!!! U better don't mess with me in future!!! Coz if u do so, I swear I'll put u to DEATH!!! Tat time, don't beg me 4 my forgiveness!!! U better watch out....U better be careful when u r on road....N ur girlfren too....Ah!!! I almost 4got tat u r a playboy.....Then, take care of ALL ur girlfren....REMEMBER, u  r the 1 who pressed the "START" button, so, u must finish the game....Never 4get about the game rules....The most important thing is....My HATRED control tis game....So, now it's my turn 2 continue tis REVENGE game....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

HATE DRIVING!!! Awkward Moment!!!

   Just now went 2 drive car. 4 the 1st time after I passed. My mum's car. I was feeling excited at 1st. But, after i started 2 drive, it was so terrible!!! My legs shivered like HELL!!! Couldn't control those shaking!!! I don't know y!!! I REALLY HATE DRIVING!!! It made me feel sick, dizzy n scare.....I couldn't concentrate well on the environment around me....My mind was blank!! When I tell ppl tat I hate 2 drive, they always reply me the same answer : U'll like it when u get used 2 it . Sorry! It really don't work on me!! DRIVING IS BORING. NO FUN AT ALL!! HATE DRIVING!!!

   Yesterday, during writting class, Teacher asked us "What is writting 2 u?" n he requested evey1 2 answer. There was a Chinese guy sitting bhind me. Let me tell u tat his Eng is not good in advance. So, he coudn't say wat exactly he think about writting out in Eng. Then, he started 2 say in Mandarin. Who knows, teacher asked him 2 tell ME in Mandarin n let ME 2 translate it back 2 Eng. U know wat!! Both of us were so RELUCTANT 2 do tat!!! I didn't even want 2 move backwards 2 listen 2 his words!!! He seems 2 think so too!!! After tat, teacher said : "Tell her. She's not going 2 eat u"!!! Shit!!! Y must teacher said like tat!!! It made the environment bcome numb!!! Suddenly the class bcame silent n every1 was waiting 4 both of us. Then only he moved forward A LITTLE BIT RELUCTANTLY n tell me wat he think!! Tis type of incident really embarrassing bcos both side r unwillingly 2 do it!! Sigh~~~ Hv u all experienced tis kind of awkward moment b4 ? 

 My Grandma Homemade Jelly. The purple colouring is from a type of herb leaves.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


   Very emotional recently....Pressure from parents....Show off of fren....Bad results....Repeating of hving car test....Things not going successfully....Frens leaving 2 further studies....Tired....Boring....All these things caused me crying many times oredi.... Although CT has counselled me, I'm still moody now. I'm not as optimist as I look. Coz I cry behind.

   Remember my fren, XY? I said she like her middle-aged colleague. N now they r officially a couple oredi. Tat guy is 32 years old but he doesn't even own a car! He has 2 borrow car from his boss 2 fetch her! He stays at his uncle house n works 4 his relatives! N he's a smoker somemore!!! Plus, he promised 2 marry XY after 3 years!!! My fren will be 21 only after 3 years while he's oredi a 35 years old man oredi!! N XY's going 2 quit her job end of tis month. How r they going 2 maintain their relationship? Sigh.....

   The Sunday of tis week, we hv a meeting. It's not a businness meeting, just a small reunion meeting between frens. NL has straigthen her long hair. It look a little bit awkward 2 me. No one else has anything physically changed la. Long time didn't see J1 oredi!! Still the same. It's a waste tat Kitten can't attend. It was bcos she was "going 2 sick" at tat time!! 

Natdy ordered tis "Ham & Egg Sandwich". N tat red meat is definitely NOT ham!! Haha!! Tat green shirt girl is Natdy! Can only see both her arms...
Such a nice weather in the evening!! But, where r the kids 2 fill in tis hollow playground?


   Just finish watching Desperate Housewives latest epi. Edie passed away n other housewives were reminiscing the moments they shared with her. 
   Then, I started 2 think emotionally. What if one day, DEATH took away one of my frens? Maybe someday I will receive a phone call n get to know tat my fren has passed away...Maybe someday when I call my fren to ask about her/his life recently n wat i get is about her/his lost...N I didn't even hv the chance 2 attend her/his funeral...What a pity.....
   I hv both good n bad memories with all my frens.Those memories r something tat worth 4 me 2 remember 4ever. Sometimes, we r just get too used to our frens's companies n their understanding. So, one day when we lose our fren, these sweet n bitter past bcome precious. Then, we'll realise tat those were the days we spent 2gether n there'll be no more. We'll start 2 cry over our fren's death n start 2 recall how we met until the last thing we did 2gether. Perhaps, we'll realise tat we don't hv much photos of 2 of us or maybe a group of frens. Coz we always think tat there'll still hv time 4 us 2 do our favourite stuff 2gether.

   I treat every fren in different ways. They all hv different mind, behaviour, habits....I just can't treat them all in the same way or in my own way. Honestly, I really don't hv a lot of frens. Yet, all my frens r good n they r absolutely brilliant (It makes me look dumb n stupid among them...Sigh...). Yet, I appreaciate all of them no matter they treat me as their fren or not. 

   Talking about Friends, yesterday BLACK teacher asked us 2 write an essay tittled 'A Life Without Friends". I hope I can get good responds n comments from teacher. Ho ho ho.... Bcoz I want my essay 2 be pasted on the information board again!!! He promised us so!!

Nice weather, so I took a pic. Beautiful clouds!
OK! I know tat I'm not a good photographer!

   Haiz...After I died, will my frens miss me or just let go everything about me ? Will they think about me even 4 a sec? Am I good enough 4 their rememberance ? Oh! How I live........ 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good News!!!!

YEAH~~~~~~~Finally I passed my car test!!!!!!!!! Bravo!!!! Don't know how 2 describe my happiness n satisfaction. But, who knows my pain when I failed? Only she(my good fren) knows. Coz she oso failed as many times as me! Hahahahah!!! Too glad tat i hv no need 2 go back 2 the place again (test location which is oso my car learning place). At last, i thanked my agent 4 his teaching n advice. Those words just slipped from my mouth without conscious thinking. I should thank him although he's quite strict n sometimes scolded me. Let me say "THANK YOU" again here!! Then.....Yo!!! Let's party 2gether!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lenka & Lily Allen

I like Lenka. A new singer. Just released her debut album "Lenka" in September 2008. Like the way she sing " Live Like You're Dying". Sorrowful. Gloomy. Really suits my mood 4 tis few weeks.

Live like you’re dying
and never stop trying.
It’s all you can do,
use what’s been given to you.
All of the moments you didn’t notice
gone in the blink of an eye.
All of the feelings you couldn’t feel
no matter how you try. Oh oh.
Take every moment
you know that you own them.
It’s all up to you to do
whatever you choose.

By Lenka - Live Like You're Dying

Like her "Trouble Is A Friend" too. Now, trouble is my fren. They play as unsolved problems in my life. Keep disturbing my peaceful life. Keep striking at my confidence. Keep beating my spirit n let failure win against triumph.

Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, eah

By Lenka - Trouble Is A Friend

Now, it's the turn of Lily Allen. It's about "Littlest Things" in her 1st album named "Alright, Still" It's not a new song. But I just found it recently. The most thing I like about tis song is the background piano music. I paid more attention on the piano music other than her singing. I think the piano music is oredi a success by itself.

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if for only one weekend

So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?

By Lily Allen - Littlest Things

Can u accept it ? I can't !!!!

Let's see. I hv a fren, XY. She fall in love with her colleague. N tat guy oso hv the same feeling towards her. OK. The girl love the boy n vice versa. It seems normal 2 hv an affair at the work place. But there's a problem (2 me)(I really can't accept it) My fren is only 18 years old n she work at there 4 temporarily only. But tat guy is 14 years old OLDER than her!!!! 14 years old!!! I know tat age range is not a problem nowadays. But 14 years old is definitely way too much over the age range tat i can accept. Tat guy is a 32 years old middle age guy while my fren is just a teenager. At 1st when my fren told me about tis guy, I thought the guy is just same age or older than us about 2, 3 year. But, after i saw tat guy's pic, i realised tat there's a big problem. They r not couple yet but they'll be soon. I can't judge anything about tis relationship n I don't know how 2 advice her. Wat I can do is just 2 be an onlooker......Hope she won't get hurt too much in tis relationship.....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Uncle...Crab...Charlotte & Henry Wedding~~

Yesterday my uncle came back from JB 4 Ching Ming. When I was small, I used to fear of him. He's quite fierce. But he stays in JB so he doesn't come back here oftenly. Sometimes he never came back 4 even once in a year time. So we r not close. However, he's a ppl who filled with experience n knowledge. It's not tat he has a brilliant brain. He meet many ppl out there n travel quite a lot. He went 2 Sydney, Hong Kong, Shanghai,Thailand, Singapore(tis 2 country is quite common 2 Malaysian) n other countries b4 (I'm so jealous)!! He knows many ppl who'r willing 2 help him. He always hv many things 2 tell us when he's back. Things n facts tat we may not know in our daily life. Besides, he oso hv excellent driving n parking skill !! Haha!!

2day he bought some crabs n brought them 2 be cooked by chef in restaurant. Unfortunately, I can't eat them bcos I'm allergic 2 crab n shrimp. Yet, I'm not fond of eating crab. So, it's nothing 2 me. Those crab were very naughty. They kept on trying 2 crawl out from the basket. Then, 1 crab got succeed in it's revolution. Fuuhh!! Tried very hard 2 catch it back 2 the basket!!!

2day I was supposed 2 hv guitar lesson. Yet, teacher was sick until no voice. SICK AGAIN!!! Sigh.... Y is he so weak? He always get sick n cancel our lesson!! He doesn't seem tat physically weak!!! Haiz.... Don't know wat's wrong with his body... No command.....

Yet, I still hv my EG2 n Writting class. 2day EG2 only 2 units n I'm the only student so I hv a lot of time. I grabbed tis chance 2 ask things 2 Mr.Luke. Really hv a long conversation with him. I think we hv talked about 45 min. We talked about politics, starter class, conversation class, n many many la. I asked only a question n he can share extremely many details about it with me. I just listened until my head got dizzy. However. it was a great opportunity. He's a good n patience teacher so I like 2 attend 2 his class.

As 4 Writting class, 2day topic was an informal letter 2 cousin about me attending a wedding ceremony. I wrote about "Charlotte & Henry" wedding (which is not possible in the reality). It was held in a small chapel in Bali on the 1st of April. Yes, it was the April Fool's Day but their marriage was not foolish.It was just a small ceremony which they only invited close relatives n best friends. All guests were given a back n forth plane ticket so tat they can attend the wedding in Bali. The ceremony started as the pianist played the Wedding March. Charlotte walked into the chapel accompanied by her father. As they were approaching the altar, everyone stood up 2 show their respect n blessings. As 4 me, the maid of honour, followed behind the bride n threw rose petals upwards. Then, they made their vows n exchanged rings under the witness of everyone n the priest. After tat, I was given the honour 2 hv a talk about their love stories with slide show of their romantic pictures since I'm the one who brought them together until 2day as husband n wife. By then, the wedding ended up by a photograph session of all guests and the just-married-couple. Teacher Shangkeri (only knew her name 2day after attending her class 4 quite a long time) said tat it's good. Glad 2 hear it.....