Thursday, August 20, 2009

Little Things In My Life,Big Things For Their Life.

It has been a long time since the last time I updated my blog was June...... Next time, I'll just upload pic n won't write a long 1.....Times passed away in the speed of light....It's the 4th month tat I experienced my F6 study life....Not easy....Everyday always got Math T homework!!!!! Tat's the main thing tat keep killing me!!!!

Hmmmm....Wat should I call it ? It's some kind of cute shaking head stuff tat need solar energy. It's oso said 2 be tension releasing stuff la..My father suggested us 2 buy 1 n put it in my car...So, now it's shaking its head in my car....Isn't it cute?

I bought tis hanger when I went 2 Butterorth. I think it's quite different from the other.

Tis's the back of it...

Hahaha!!!! Tis is the 1st preservation work tat I done!!!! They "were" dragonfly, grassopper n the small 1 is ladybird...My father caught all tis 4 me...Actually, there were still 3 butterfies, 2 more dragonflies, 1 big grasshopper n 1 more insect tat I don't know its name. But, I only managed 2 preserve these 3 insects.

Friday, June 19, 2009

My F6 life is back...Bad news....

Long time didn't write new post ady!!! Start 2 bz...... Coz my F6 life is back after 2 weeks holiday.....I enjoy my bz life.....However I hvn't recover from illlness yet!!! Wat a long disaster!!! Torture a lot....ady changed 2 types of medicine....Haiz~~~~Wat's wrong with my health???? Please come back!!! I need u so much!!!!

Actually, many things happened after the skul started back.

1) Finally we study in a proper class..with less student..Now, my class, PU1SN only got 30 student. There are some indian student who stil want 2 go 2 AIMST.

2) Natdy came 2 study F6...which was 4 only 1 day...She just want 2 fill her free time at home b4 her AIMST July intake..

3) Sexy hottie "quite" F6 ady...She decided 2 study in TAR...But, I heard tat she'll only get in TAR next year coz TAR don't accept student 4 tis year any more.

4) Mr.Giam replaced En.Izhar place n bcome our Chemist teacher. So, it's like doing revision when we hv Chemist class in skul coz we ady studied those things in his tuition class.

5) I missed the registration 4 MUET test. Actually, I gave up. Coz there were too many things tat we don't understand. Not about the test...It's about the way 2 post the registration form...Haiz~~~ Tis afternoon Teacher Shangkeri asked me about it. N I told her tat I didn't passed the form n I wanted 2 ask her but she didn't come 4 2 weeks... She said if next time got any emergency, I can asked 4 her phone from admin...

6) Abigail get the offer 2 go Matrik. She got the offer from Matrik Perlis. So, she can meet Janice there.....I'm jealous here....

7) WC changed from Ibrahim 2 my skul oredi!!! Hahahaha!!!

Yet, there r bad news too....Janice's father passed away tis afternoon....I felt shocked when I saw her sms. Coz it was a sudden!!! Really feel very sad 4 her...Coz many bad things happened 2 her family tis year...Her father is just 49 years old n died of sudden heart attack. Don't know who's gonna take over her father's new compay. How's Janice's life will be in the future? Will she be the happy Janice back? I felt scared when I came 2 know about the news coz I oredi hv 2 frens tat their father died of heart attack...2moro I'm gonna go 2 her house 2 offer my condolence.

Besides, I fell down in the toilet tis morning n hurt my ankle...It hurts a lot!!! but, luckily, I didn't broke my arm....

Monday, June 8, 2009

Interesting Bio Tuition....

2day was the just the 2nd time of Bio tuition. 2day, we watched Transformer n Drag Me To Hell trailer. Besides, we oso watched the video clip of Hollie Steel performance during semi final in Britain's Got Talent. She was singing Edelweiss. Undoubtedly, her singing was very great. If she want 2 develop in singing career, I'm sure she can success. Then, teacher talked about his most favourite 3 movies. Matrix, The Lord Of The Ring n Forrest Gump. He said Forrest Gump was the 1st movie tat touched him until he cried. Definitely, Forrest Gump is an inspiring movie.

Life's like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get - Forrest Gump

Multigrain Apple Cake (Should I call it cake?) Many types of grain on the surface n pieces of baked apple between the cake.

Chocolate Cookie

Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'll be back!!! My lovely EC class...

Finally, yesterday, I found the song I want!!!! YEAH~~~~~~GOT U!!!!! Tokyo Et Paris. It's from the Nodame Cantabile Paris-hen OST. I like it at the 1st time I listen 2 it. I like the singer voice n the background violin music....Hehehe~~~Coz, recently, I listen 2 quite a lot of classical music....

Haiz~~~~2day went 2 EC class. Don't know when can I go again.......Sob~~~~Sob~~~~ I want 2 attend EC class every sunday!!!!! Really sad~~~ 2day teacher divided us into group. He wanted us 2 talk n know each other....I was with Ms.May. When I told her about my ambition, 2 be a forensic science doctor, she was very surprised!! I know. Mostly ppl will be surprised when I told them I want 2 be a forensic science doctor. Then, she seems very interested towards my ambition. Kept asking me about it. She said tat I'm brave, over-mature (I don't think so....) n hv big curiousity...She said she admire my braveness n if I can succeed in tis field, then, it's good.....Hehehe....Then, I told her I hv been 2 a body anatomise display room (I don't know wat should I call the room) n hv seen real dead bodies b4. I think tat my experience creeps her out. Hahaha~~~

Actually, I want 2 be in Lau group....Got Ho & Lau.... Funnier ma....Teacher said next time he'll put me n Ho in a group, coz I'm not afraid of answering nonsense question. Hahaha!!! Coz Ho kept asking Faizah nonsense question until she can't answer it. He's just a kid....Haiz.....I should grab 2 be in same group with Lau...Curious about him....Then, teacher said tat tis was the 1st time he saw me talked a lot. Is it? Maybe...Coz I don't talk a lot there. I'm gonna miss u all!!!! Mark my word! I'll be back!!! My lovely EC class....

Tuesday, June 2, 2009


   Got sick recently. Went 2 see a chinese traditional doctor ady. I believe more on chinese traditional doctor coz I think the medicine is more effective n better. Last time, I used 2 hv asthma 4 temporarily coz my stomach got wind. I didn't get well after I took western medicine. Then only I recovered after I seek help from chinese traditional doctor. Since then, I'll only go 2 c a chinese traditional doctor if I'm sick. As 4 y I'm sick tis time, I don't know how 2 explain.

The doctor suggeted me tat I try tis alternative medicine. Put in a slice of ginger n brown sugar into a glass of hot water. I can drink it when I hv flu or cough again next time. 

See? So many packet of medicine. Hv 2 consume 1 packet in every 3 hour.

Powder form medicine.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Finally, Bio tuition started...I Philic U, My California Handroll n Strawberry Milkshake...

   Just went 4 Bio tuition. Finally, it has started! The teacher, Mr Khor is damn funny!!! He's a retired teacher. He teached in skul 4 18 years n then be a full time tuition teacher 4 2o years. Yet, he said tat he's just 20 years old!! Hahha!!His teaching style oso very unique!! Never saw such teaching way...He prepared his note by using Microsoft PowerPoint. Got sound effect somemore!! Then, he showed those notes by projector in slide show form. He said it's no use 4 us 2 copy notes. An effective learning will be 83% of visual n 17% of hearing. Therefore, he said his 1 hour n 20 min tuition hour is equivalent 2 4 tuition hour if we learn under his own teaching way. He oso said tat at 1st, our concentration is 100%, then, about don't know how many minutes, it'll decrease till 3% (is it true? become so low ah? any scientific prove?). Hence, 2 increace back our concentration, he gave us 2 watch a movie trailer. Therefore, in every lesson next time, we'll watch 2 movie trailer. Just now, we watched "Angels and Demons" n "Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince" trailer. He mentioned about the actor who act as the young priest in A&D is handsome too. He only watched A&D bcoz of him. Funny!! Mr Khor's notebook is very sophisticated!!! It's touchscreen 1 !! He said if we r shy 2 say I Love You, we can say it in another way, which is I Philic You. Coz Philic means like or love in scientific term. He did give us a lot of information!! I bet I'll definitely love 2 attend his class!!! Lovin' It!!

My homemade Stawberry Milkshake. I'm sure u all know how 2 make it. It just need a few easy step. I think next time I should put in some Strawberry flavour milk too..2 make the milkshake more pinky.. Hahah!! I cut a slice of strawberry as decoration.

YUMMY!!! My favourite California Handroll. Must eat with Japanese soy sauce... Hahaha!! Bought from Tesco la. Not handmade 1 la....It's quite cheap.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Brother, CCC

   Hahahahha!!! I'm gonna betray my bro. My bro, CCC is 11 years old tis year, Standard 5. Actually, I told him about putting his pic in my blog. He told me 2 put better pic...So, these r his nice pic. 

He was holding my father's mp4. Actually the white pants n black Mickey shirt he wore was girl's attire. He was just trying wear it. He can't even button the pants!!! Hahahhaha!!!
Hahahah!!! He was promoting the mp4 by dancing!!! The pic quality is not good!!! I took it with my old hp camera.

Hahhaha!!! Crazy 4 in 1 pic..... At 1st, he was sad. Then, he thought about something, his earphone. After he listened 2 mp3, he became happy again! Commercial model... hahaha..

Actually, the outer clothes he wore was my father 1. My father asked me 2 try, then, in turn, I forced my bro 2 wear n pose 4 me 2 take his photo.

He was trying 2 act cool. Not cool at all.

Another crazy pose....

Stupid pose....

Unusual....Fancy envelopes....

   Finally!!! After 3 weeks of F6 life, we hv our 1st holiday. 2 weeks holiday. So, 2day I can go 2 my favourite EC class again...Ladies & Gentleman....I'm back!!! Miss u all!!! 2day topic was about distressed delinquents. Sex parties, thieving n mad highway races seems 2 be the lifestyle of teenagers 2day. It's from 2day The Star newspaper. There were 4 guys n 4 girls. So, teacher suggested tat we hv a debate between boys n girls. Teacher wanted guys 2 be the supporter while we girls ne the opposition team. Hmmmm....I think tat's nothing interesting about the debate. Coz we can't counter back their point....I oso don't hv 2 mood 2 fight....Yet, something unusual happened.....Lau called me....He said : "Chee, u agree, right? U come 2 ur team! "!!!! Hahahahahahahhahaahahahhaahahahahah!!! I was quite surprised....We knew each other first name for such a long time, his 1st name is Lau while mine is Chee ( my teacher call me Chee, I was known as Chee there), but we never talked nor calling each other name.... He said like tat bcoz Mr.Z from his team was disagree about the point. He wanted 2 come 2 our girls team. Hence, some1 must fill in his place la, but teacher insisted him 2 stay in tat team. Hahaha... Besides, Lau cut his hair too. He look neat, but a bit funny. Something 2 do about his hair style la.

   Yesterday, I went 2 CES too. 2 do my EG2 revision test. It was quite easy. The teacher just took it out from EG2 book. Don't want 2 take the test next time.

   Oh!!! Yea!!! Yesterday I met Tong!!! Hahaha!!! Natdy's ex. He was with his mother, elder bro n younger bro. His elder bro seems faliliar 2 me!!! Then, after he turned his face, I realised tat it was him.I think he must hv seen me. We didn't greet each other la. Not even fren with him. I don't know whether he still remember me or not. Then, I met him again on the road. He was driving the car so I don't think he saw me 4 the 2nd time. 

   Want 2 show u all some fancy envelopes tat I collect. I do write letter 2 my cousin. Last time, I oso hv some pen pals. I took the 2nd pic of all envelopes so tat u all can c it nearer n clearer. 

Tis's the 1st fancy envelope I bought a few years ago. I think I bought during my primary skul. I only left tis last 1. I like how the small path lead us 2 the small house. With wooden fences n those flowers tat climb on the fence.

Tis's the 2nd fancy envelope I bought. In tis year. Like those butterflies n colourful flowers .

Tis 1 I just bought it just now. Quite beautiful. Although it's a bit pale. I like the rainbow, the girl with the hat n the bicycle (It's among the lines). N up there, there r " To Convey One's " words. How nice is it.....  


Friday, May 29, 2009

Sukaneka Day

   Wednesday, 27/5, was my school "Hari Sukaneka", in English is "Variety Games Day". Haha...I just translate directly. Tis activity was organised exclusively 4 lower 6 student, which is us. Organised purposely 4 upper six 2 bully or fool lower 6. 1st, I was about 2 absent on tat day. However, I got some source from senior saying tat student who absent will be called out their name during the assembly. OK. Since the senior oredi tell us their "experience", so, I hv 2 go. 
   The previous day we hv been divided into groups. All 11 group. I was in the 11th group, the last group which consists of all girls from my class, PU1SN1.  Every group r required 2 do their own name tag. My group's name tag is only a simple 1. I'll show it when I get it back from senior. They want 2 value the most creative n inovative name tag so they took all name tag.

   On tat day, our opponent is group 8 which consists of 10 ppl while my group only hv 8 girls. All of us hv 2 play 6 games n every head of each group must get more than 20 signature from all station n group facilitator (faci) after we finished all the games. Besides, every group's head n vice-head must carry a biscuit with them n make sure tat the biscuit is completely undestroyed after all games. Seems like a tough task, right? 

    The 1st game we play at the 1st station was jumping along a distance in a sack with balls in it. Not very hard. Yet, my team lose coz some1 fell down n some only walk instead of jumping. So, the punishment was being threw balloons filled with water by the opponent team which surrounded us in a circle. My whole body got wet..... 

   The next game was 2 poke an orange with a stick by using mouth. 1st, u hv 2 turn 10 round, then craw under a table n held a stick with ur mouth which was put on the table. Hence, we must bcareful during the crawling 2 prevent the falling of the stick. If the stick feel on the field (we played at the field) , u hv 2 pick it up by using ur MOUTH !!!! Ok, then, use the stick 2 poke the MOVING orange!! When it was my turn, I can't poke it!!!! Isk!!! Frustrated!!! Then, TIMES UP! We were given 3 minutes 2 finish the competition. Tis time, we lose again... The punishment was not bad. We only need 2 share an orange. It was sweet n we were thirsty too.... hahahah!!!

   The game tat was prepared at our 3rd station was the whole team must walk on bricks. We were only provided 7 bricks. So, must use strategy n calculation la. As we expected, we lose.......The punishment was Ok la.... Each of us need 2 drink some tasteless n bitter coffee....Plus, we were stil thirsty.... 

   Next, the 4th game creeped all of us out!!! It was not about the way 2 play....It was about the punishment!!!! The punishment tat the lose team has 2 receive was rolling on the watery field!!!! We arrived there earlier n the team b4 was still having their punishment!!! How 2 play the game? It was like tis. 1st, they'll close ur eyes with a cloth. Then, turn 10 round n walk 2 front. U need 2 pull a packet of water n the water must fall on u. Normally, a person can't recognise their position after turning 4 10 rounds. So, we were shouting like hell just 2 get our fren go 2 the right way, but, they seems can't hear it!!! AGAIN!!! we lose..... BUT!!!!! Tis time, the faci said tat the team tat won wil get the punishment!!!! We were so happy!!! Jumping up n down!!! We thought tat we were going 2 do it!!! Therefore, tis was the happiest failure tat we all got on tat day!!! Our opponent's team shirt all became very dirty!!!!

   The 5th game was quite easy. We only need 2 throw balls into the basket which was carried by 1 or our team mate n the rest of the team must sing a song. We chose the "ABC" song while our opponent team sang "Twinkle-Twinkle Little Star". Every1 can throw 3 balls. No need any guessing... We lose again....The punishment was quite hard. All the team mate were tied 2gether on the left leg n walked in squat way.... It was hard 4 every1 2 move 2gether n we hv 2 hold the ears of ppl in front of us.....Whose stupid idea was tat??????

   Yet, we skipped our game 6. Coz the station oredi finished packing their stuff.... Hahhahah!!! We lose all the matches!!! Then, it was time 2 get signature rom all faci....My team head pulled me along with her....Many faci want us 2 sing 4 them....Some malay senior even want us 2 sing chinese sing 4 them....Those faci said tat last time, their senior really gave them tough task 2 do just 2 get their signature...Again...Whose stupid idea was tat? Then, after recess, it was time 2 judge the integrity of every team biscuits n collect all team's name tag.  There were 4 groups which their biscuits were crushed!!! There4, there were punishment 4 them. They hv 2 make a performance. All 4 groups chose 2 sing. 

   It was a nice day la.. New experience 2 me. Coz I prefer indoor..It's a waste tat I can't take any pic. Coz the faci kept our hp 4 us.

P.S. Talking about the punishment 2wards ppl who absent, it was true. Yesterday, the faci head called out those ppl name during the assembly....But, I don't know wat penalty will they get la....

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Swiss Roll~~~~

   Recently, I bought a few swiss roll. Now, my refrigerator got 3 different flavour of swiss roll.

Chocolate Flavour Swiss Roll 

Orange Flavour Swiss Roll

Flamington Roll

   I like orange flavour n Flamington Roll the most among these 3 swiss roll. Chocolate & orange flavour swiss roll were from the same bakery while Flamington roll was from another bakery. Actually, chocolate n orange flavour 1 r spongy n softer than Flamington Roll. Anyway, I like swiss roll (Now I like, but, in the future, I may hate it). 

Monday, May 18, 2009

Nila's Birth Cert...Bad Comments

   2day, science streame student still stay in the hall. But, with desks la. Finally, Nila came 2 skul ady. She has a small operation on her toe. She seems didn't care much about her F6. She hasn't registered yet n she didn't get all her document certified. The worst thing is she didn't get the official offer letter from skul. n I found tat her birth vert was registered in 2003 instead of being registered in 1991. We were born in 1991 n our parents were supposed 2 register our birth, maybe after 1 week later. Yet, Nila's parents didn't do so bcos they were young at tat time. Nila's mum was only 16 years old when she born Nila while her father was 21 years old. She herself admitted tat her parents were too young 2 know about the procedure. N she said tat her father has spent a lot of money on getting her her birth cert. So, her birth cert is different from ours.

    2day, JIF n raise-clavicle-girl said tat they are jealous of me bcos of my determination of going 4 F6 n don't need 2 worry about many things. They said tat I didn't apply anything so i hv no need 2 think about which way should I choose. It's correct. I didn't even apply 4 Matrix which most ppl will apply. Hense, I no need 2 think about the appeal. Even raise-clavicle-girl mum said tat I no need 2 think too much. Just study F6. Tat's all. They are jealous bcos of the decision I made b4 which provide me not 2 think 2 much now, unlike others. I glad tat I made the best decision which I won't regret of it in the future. It's extremely important 2 make the right choice at tis moment which decide our future. Many ppl asked me y I didn't apply 4 Matrix. I'll always give them 2 reasonable reason which every1 agreed. Tat is I want 2 get more knowledge n F6 cert is more valuable. 1 more reason which I'm not sure whether is true or not is tat F6 students will go through easy life in the 1st year in U.

   2day, our PA teacher asked us 2 write about our observation towards the skul when we 1st stepped in. Hahaha!!! Raise-clavicle-girl n I wrote a lot. All bad comments. We wrote about how dirty the toilet is, how dangerous 4 students 2 walk in skul area which allow vehicles 2 move in it, how dirty the canteen is, not many places with shade, girls has 2 eat at the behind of canteen which is dark, the koperasi should be divided into 2 parts which sell snack n stationary seperately, how old the building is, etc. I wonder wat if the teacher showed it 2 other teacher or 2 the principal? I imagined tat the principal will call my name during the assembly n read out wat i wrote loudly. Then, the whole skul will know. Hope tis imaginary stuff won't come true.....

I was about 2 throw away these 2 (how 2 call it ?) ady. Then, I took some pic of them 1st la. Don't want 2 waste any source 4 photographing. So, a BIG "X"... Actually, very small only..... 

Sunday, May 17, 2009

CS shopping....Bunga Telur

   Yesterday went 2 CS 2 shop with Hen n WS. I walked from grandma's house passed the train railway which i was not allowed 2 pass through without permission. 1st, we went 2 hv lunch at McD. 3 of us ate the same set lunch. WS kept texting until she slowed down on her food. She bcame tat kind of person tat can't leave their hp aside. Must hold in hand 2 feel the hp's existence. Can't live without hp.

Our McD McChicken Set.
   Then, we went 2 buy pendrive n hv window shopping in many shops tat sell clothes. I did some price research on MUET reference n exercise books. Found tat most book which provide CD-ROM are more than RM20. Besides, we met J1F n the gang. We oso met sexy hottie & Talgi plus Talby n his family. Actually we were planning 2 go a movie but most movies are 18PL. Haiz.... WS n me r not 18 yet. N we oso cancelled our bowling game plan coz Hen didn't want 2 play. Therefore, we went 4 high tea at OldTown. 

My "Kao" White Coffee
Too bitter till I can't finish it n has 2 pack it back home.
My Kaya & Butter Thick Toast.
The Kaya is very sweet n butter is just butter.
Hen's Tuna Toast

   I bought quite a lot of things yesterday. Pendrive, correction tap, 3 present wrappers which I want 2 use 2 wrap my notebook, 2 swiss roll which I found delicious recently n other too. So, 3 of us were holding big packets small packets.

   2day was my father cousin son's wedding. My father cousin's a chinese but she get married 2 a malay. Therefore, her son organised 2 wedding "lunch" at 2 different place. 1 4 chinese, 1 4 malay. I didn't go 2 both wedding "lunch" la. I was still at skul at tat time. My father went 2 the malay 1 n brought back 2 bunga telur while my mum went 2 the chinese 1. 2 types of bunga telur. 1 big boiled egg n 1 small boiled egg.

Small Red Rose, so, small egg.
Big Silver Apple, so, big egg.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

F6, Ready? GO!

   Yesterday was the 1st day 2 start F6. Actually, only 4 registration n start of orientation. I thought it was just 4 registration, so I didn't bring any food!! Damn hungry!! Orientation was very boring!! But, as long as I hv my frens around me, I don't feel bore anymore. Some ppl appearance like sexy hottie n J1F really shocked me, indeed. As I know, they shouldn't be here. They should be in U ady. 

   Y raise-clavicle-girl F6 uniform is a little strange? Hmmm? Don't know la. Other ppl r ok with their uniform. Just hers looks different.

Still to be continued...

Friday, May 8, 2009

Writting & MUET Writting....CT.....

   Recently didn't take any pic......So, no pic.....But, 2moro i'll go 2 a wedding dinner, so, maybe will hv some pic...

   As usual, I went 2 EG2 & Writting class. Hahaha!!! Something cheers me up!!! Both Baling teacher n Teacher Shangkeri said tat my writting standard is OK n can handle MUET writting oredi!!! Yeah!!! Glad 2 hear tat!!! Happy~ing !!!! Baling teacher marked my essay 4 the 1st time n he oredi said tat my writting is good!!! He likes my "The Fying Doctor" essay. He said tat it's interesting but he hasn't finished marking. He said my writting is good n my MUET writting can pass ady. Only need 2 improve some grammar.... Then, during Teacher Shangkeri's class, we talked about MUET. Teacher sat 4 her MUET test during her U time n she got band 5!!! However, she said she's not happy 4 only getting band 5. Then she oso said tat I can manage MUET writting oredi!!! N she adviced me 2 go 4 MUET tuition. Put more effort on reading n listening coz these 2 test r really hard!! 

   But, my writting still can't impress BLACK teacher....He said tat my essay is boring n want me 2 think about ppl who read my essay....Feel down by his words.....Tis time really talked a lot with him. About 45min!!! He explained 2 me about the essay tat I'm going 2 write. Traffic. A tough tittle, huh? Tat's y he explained a lot 2 me coz I'm the only 1 who's gonna write tis essay. N I can pass it up next week. Oso asked him about a grammar rule tat puzzled me 4 a long time!!! Finally, I understand the correct way 2 use tat grammar rule!!

   Just now CT told me tat a Malay guy who's quite close 2 her recently confessed 2 her when she was having her lunch (or dinner ?). Hahahaha!!! She said she didn't know how 2 respond n just keep looking down on her food. After tat, she just asked 2 leave without finishing her food!!! She couldn't finished her food in front of the guy anymore!!! So, she called me 2 ask 4 my opinion. As a result of discussion with me n her frens, she's gonna asnwer tat guy like tis : "R u serious?" n "I need time 2 think about it". Hahaha!!! Bcos tat guy like CT's fren last time n now only after about 1, 2 month, he said he like CT. Hence, CT doubted his sincerity n love. Plus, CT is not sure whether she like him or not. I want her 2 think twice since tat guy is a malay n CT said she prefer 2 pay more attention on her studies since now only the 2nd semester. However, it's all depends on her la.....

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Relief Yet Anxious & Annoyed.... Good Or Bad ?

   Finally.........I know which skul am I going 2 study F6...... KJ..... Yesterday midnight checked oredi...Mostly of my skul students will get the offer from KJ la. Haiz!! Can't get the skul i want while GPN get tat skul without any effort!! But, I'll apply 2 change skul la!!

   1st, I'm quite excited!! I'm gonna experience a brand new journey which a lot of ppl refused 2 choose. I'm tat kind of person who prefer to explore the road not taken. Haha!! So, I'm gonna hv a new life style.

   Yet, I stil hv problem la!! I want 2 change skul!! Headache about it!!! N raise-clavicle-girl said tat she want 2 see whether she can suit herself in tat skul or not 1st !!! Tat time oredi late 2 apply 2 change skul!!! Every1 seems relax with it (after they know about F6)!! On the other hand, I'm very nervous n worry about many things!! I asked many info from my fren's bro earlier even b4 I check about F6 so tat I can hv good preparation 2 face F6!!! Plus, I quickly went 2 photostat my birth cert as it was needed 4 registration. 2moro I hv 2 go 2 skul 2 get teacher signature on my paper!! Besides, I rushed 2 buy F6 uniform just now in the afternoon!! Has any1 moved faster than me? I can only think about the way 2 apply 2  change skul!!! N our attire too!! My fren oso made me more anxious n nervous!!! She was troubling by colour of shoe n socks tat we should wear!! She oso raised unnecessary issue like we should wear short or long n light or dark blue skirt!!! Then, I was influenced by her!!! She made me feel more dizzy!!! Hence, I was very emotional n passionate 4 the whole day!!! I know I'm hurry but other ppl just sit back n lay down, R~E~L~A~X only!!! 

Sunday, May 3, 2009

CT 18th Birthday~~Troubling Problem!!

2day is CT's birthday!! Although we can't meet each other n celebrate 2gether, I still sent her e-card!! Four birthday e-card!! I still remember tat CT always buy me expensive present every year during my birthday n make her own special birthday card 4 me. Last year she bought me a shirt n drew something on it. Besides, she oso make 2 badges exclusively only 4 me.

Tis 2 r the sweet & mic shape badges tat CT sew by her own.

On the other hand, I only give her cheap n affordable present 4 her like cup, clothes n bag (share with another 2 fren). Hmmmm~~ I can't remember wat else present did I give her!! Oredi known her n being best fren of each other 4 11 years!! She really delight my life n bring happiness 2 me. THANKS A LOT, CT & HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY!! HV A SWEET BIRTHDAY!!

My mother's cousin (only 25 years old la!!) will get marry on 9/5, Wesak Day!! I'm gonna bring camera n take photo with them. Our bride has a few siblings which all include the bride stay in Singapore. All of them imigrated 2 Singapore n only left their parents here. So, I must grab tis chance 2 keep some memories 4 reminisciment in the future.

Sigh~~Recently, I hv a few fren who got the offer 2 go Matrix. Janice is 1 of them. I always thought tat Janice can go 2 F6 with me. Who knows she get better fortune.....N WS n Kitten got the chance 2 go interview 4 PISMP too. Wat if they get it ? Who's gonna accompany me 2 F6? Although XY wants 2 go 2 F6 too, she choose different skul n Physics while I choose Bio. If we may go 2 the same skul, we won't be in the same class too!! Haiz!!! As 4 raise-clavicle-girl, she still hv JPA n rayuan 4 PPC n Matrix. She may be good luck enough 2 get 1 of them. I'm afraid of being alone. I always wanted my fren 2 accompany me. I don't want 2 walk alone, eat alone, go 2 toilet alone....We can check whether we can 2 F6 on 6/5. Only 3 days 2 go. I'm very nervous n anxious now!! I'm afraid tat I can't go 2 F6 with my results. F6 is the only exit 4 me!! Every1 seems 2 be sure n confident about their future bcos they'll definitely go 2 U. Wat about me ?

Friday, May 1, 2009

2day Is 2009's Labour Day~~

Hmmm.... Although 2day is Labour Day, still hv 2 write something la. 4 rememberance in the future...2day very tired...nw only almost 9 p.m... feel sleepy oredi...

Almost 4got about CT's birthday!! Must be the 1st 2 greet her HAPPY BIRTHDAY~~~2moro 12 a.m...Must remember!! Or else she'll be mad on me!!

Seto Kouji's curly hair so cute!! His upper lip is damn sexy~~~ Pink colour really suits him a lot...But, no matter how cute oso not as handsome as Yuu~~Y japanese guys all so cute n handsome ??? Sigh~~~~

Monday, April 27, 2009

Thankful...I Want Good Driving Skill..SHORTIE JACKASS!!!

   The day b4 yesterday, I just finished an essay. The longest essay I've ever wrote. The title is "The Flying Doctor". I put in some features from my favourite Eng drama, Desperate Housewives n Bones. Passed it 2 teacher oredi yesterday. Hope 2 get good respond n comments from him. If my essay is good, then I'll write it out here. 

   Yesterday, our topic in Conversation Class is about Thankful. I said : When some1 do u a favor, but u don't know wat should do 4 tat person back, u only need 2 say 2 words. THANK YOU! But, say it sincerely so tat the person can feel it. They'll think tat they r appreciated n wat they did 4 u is worth. Teacher said every1 thank their parent, so he didn't want us 2 talk about our parent. There was a girl who thanked her BOYFREN!! Y? I don't know....B4 the class started, she came up 2 the centre n went downfloor again (understand?). Then, she's late 2 enter the class although she oredi arrived earlier. She was quite aggresive n emotional during the class. N I think she was having problem with her boyfren at tat moment bcoz she seems not happy when teacher asked about her boyfren n she kept texting with some1. Next, a Chinese guy thanked his boss (who always buy food 4 him), colleague (who taught him a lot) n CANTEEN (although the food there is quite expensive)!! Haha!! Funny!! Then, one "aunty" thanked her workers who r responsible n hardworking followed by a Malay "uncle" who thanked his company, TNB, 4 all the benefits he get as a worker of TNB. As 4 me, I thanked my fren. Really appreciate my fren n wat they did 4 me. Thank you, CT. 4 ur advice, listen 2 me when I hv problems n accept my advice on solving ur emotion problems. Thank you, Janice. 4 supporting me when I failed my car test n always chat with me. Besides, I oso want 2 be thankful 4 my guitar teacher. Both Mr Koay n Mr Mak. Thanks 4 ur willingness 2 teach n share with me everything about guitar. Maybe u guys won't read my blog, but, I still want 2 express my thankness here!!


   Thinking about driving really make me feel puzzled n annoyed.  My reverse n turning skill r really bad. I hope I hv great driving skill like my uncle. He can play the car stering smoothly. I wish I hv the guts tat he own too. Coz, when he speed, I can feel tat my heart is going 2 jump out. He speed like HELL. Like he's the only car on the road!! I hvn't been trained on parking skills by using my mum's car yet. N I don't understand y I can only use one leg 2 drive an auto car??? I feel more comfortable by using both legs 2 control 2 pedals. Yet, i was warned 2 use only right leg....Sigh... 

   Suddenly, I remember some1 !!! Somemore who I really HATE!!! Since Form 2!!! He was a transfer student from Butterworth. So, he was transferred 2 my class during F2. I would like 2 call him SHORTIE JACKASS!! He's short n even shorter than me. FUCK AK!!! How dare u insulted me!!! Don't u dare 2 deny it!!! U'll never know wat I hold in my hand!!! U thought I don't know tat u humiliated me secretly ?? Don't think tat I'm stupid!!! I hv the evidence tat can prove tat u said improper words about me n insulted me on paper!!! Let me tell u something!!! I'm still keeping tat paper!!! U better don't mess with me in future!!! Coz if u do so, I swear I'll put u to DEATH!!! Tat time, don't beg me 4 my forgiveness!!! U better watch out....U better be careful when u r on road....N ur girlfren too....Ah!!! I almost 4got tat u r a playboy.....Then, take care of ALL ur girlfren....REMEMBER, u  r the 1 who pressed the "START" button, so, u must finish the game....Never 4get about the game rules....The most important thing is....My HATRED control tis game....So, now it's my turn 2 continue tis REVENGE game....

Saturday, April 25, 2009

HATE DRIVING!!! Awkward Moment!!!

   Just now went 2 drive car. 4 the 1st time after I passed. My mum's car. I was feeling excited at 1st. But, after i started 2 drive, it was so terrible!!! My legs shivered like HELL!!! Couldn't control those shaking!!! I don't know y!!! I REALLY HATE DRIVING!!! It made me feel sick, dizzy n scare.....I couldn't concentrate well on the environment around me....My mind was blank!! When I tell ppl tat I hate 2 drive, they always reply me the same answer : U'll like it when u get used 2 it . Sorry! It really don't work on me!! DRIVING IS BORING. NO FUN AT ALL!! HATE DRIVING!!!

   Yesterday, during writting class, Teacher asked us "What is writting 2 u?" n he requested evey1 2 answer. There was a Chinese guy sitting bhind me. Let me tell u tat his Eng is not good in advance. So, he coudn't say wat exactly he think about writting out in Eng. Then, he started 2 say in Mandarin. Who knows, teacher asked him 2 tell ME in Mandarin n let ME 2 translate it back 2 Eng. U know wat!! Both of us were so RELUCTANT 2 do tat!!! I didn't even want 2 move backwards 2 listen 2 his words!!! He seems 2 think so too!!! After tat, teacher said : "Tell her. She's not going 2 eat u"!!! Shit!!! Y must teacher said like tat!!! It made the environment bcome numb!!! Suddenly the class bcame silent n every1 was waiting 4 both of us. Then only he moved forward A LITTLE BIT RELUCTANTLY n tell me wat he think!! Tis type of incident really embarrassing bcos both side r unwillingly 2 do it!! Sigh~~~ Hv u all experienced tis kind of awkward moment b4 ? 

 My Grandma Homemade Jelly. The purple colouring is from a type of herb leaves.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


   Very emotional recently....Pressure from parents....Show off of fren....Bad results....Repeating of hving car test....Things not going successfully....Frens leaving 2 further studies....Tired....Boring....All these things caused me crying many times oredi.... Although CT has counselled me, I'm still moody now. I'm not as optimist as I look. Coz I cry behind.

   Remember my fren, XY? I said she like her middle-aged colleague. N now they r officially a couple oredi. Tat guy is 32 years old but he doesn't even own a car! He has 2 borrow car from his boss 2 fetch her! He stays at his uncle house n works 4 his relatives! N he's a smoker somemore!!! Plus, he promised 2 marry XY after 3 years!!! My fren will be 21 only after 3 years while he's oredi a 35 years old man oredi!! N XY's going 2 quit her job end of tis month. How r they going 2 maintain their relationship? Sigh.....

   The Sunday of tis week, we hv a meeting. It's not a businness meeting, just a small reunion meeting between frens. NL has straigthen her long hair. It look a little bit awkward 2 me. No one else has anything physically changed la. Long time didn't see J1 oredi!! Still the same. It's a waste tat Kitten can't attend. It was bcos she was "going 2 sick" at tat time!! 

Natdy ordered tis "Ham & Egg Sandwich". N tat red meat is definitely NOT ham!! Haha!! Tat green shirt girl is Natdy! Can only see both her arms...
Such a nice weather in the evening!! But, where r the kids 2 fill in tis hollow playground?


   Just finish watching Desperate Housewives latest epi. Edie passed away n other housewives were reminiscing the moments they shared with her. 
   Then, I started 2 think emotionally. What if one day, DEATH took away one of my frens? Maybe someday I will receive a phone call n get to know tat my fren has passed away...Maybe someday when I call my fren to ask about her/his life recently n wat i get is about her/his lost...N I didn't even hv the chance 2 attend her/his funeral...What a pity.....
   I hv both good n bad memories with all my frens.Those memories r something tat worth 4 me 2 remember 4ever. Sometimes, we r just get too used to our frens's companies n their understanding. So, one day when we lose our fren, these sweet n bitter past bcome precious. Then, we'll realise tat those were the days we spent 2gether n there'll be no more. We'll start 2 cry over our fren's death n start 2 recall how we met until the last thing we did 2gether. Perhaps, we'll realise tat we don't hv much photos of 2 of us or maybe a group of frens. Coz we always think tat there'll still hv time 4 us 2 do our favourite stuff 2gether.

   I treat every fren in different ways. They all hv different mind, behaviour, habits....I just can't treat them all in the same way or in my own way. Honestly, I really don't hv a lot of frens. Yet, all my frens r good n they r absolutely brilliant (It makes me look dumb n stupid among them...Sigh...). Yet, I appreaciate all of them no matter they treat me as their fren or not. 

   Talking about Friends, yesterday BLACK teacher asked us 2 write an essay tittled 'A Life Without Friends". I hope I can get good responds n comments from teacher. Ho ho ho.... Bcoz I want my essay 2 be pasted on the information board again!!! He promised us so!!

Nice weather, so I took a pic. Beautiful clouds!
OK! I know tat I'm not a good photographer!

   Haiz...After I died, will my frens miss me or just let go everything about me ? Will they think about me even 4 a sec? Am I good enough 4 their rememberance ? Oh! How I live........ 

Monday, April 13, 2009

Good News!!!!

YEAH~~~~~~~Finally I passed my car test!!!!!!!!! Bravo!!!! Don't know how 2 describe my happiness n satisfaction. But, who knows my pain when I failed? Only she(my good fren) knows. Coz she oso failed as many times as me! Hahahahah!!! Too glad tat i hv no need 2 go back 2 the place again (test location which is oso my car learning place). At last, i thanked my agent 4 his teaching n advice. Those words just slipped from my mouth without conscious thinking. I should thank him although he's quite strict n sometimes scolded me. Let me say "THANK YOU" again here!! Then.....Yo!!! Let's party 2gether!!!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Lenka & Lily Allen

I like Lenka. A new singer. Just released her debut album "Lenka" in September 2008. Like the way she sing " Live Like You're Dying". Sorrowful. Gloomy. Really suits my mood 4 tis few weeks.

Live like you’re dying
and never stop trying.
It’s all you can do,
use what’s been given to you.
All of the moments you didn’t notice
gone in the blink of an eye.
All of the feelings you couldn’t feel
no matter how you try. Oh oh.
Take every moment
you know that you own them.
It’s all up to you to do
whatever you choose.

By Lenka - Live Like You're Dying

Like her "Trouble Is A Friend" too. Now, trouble is my fren. They play as unsolved problems in my life. Keep disturbing my peaceful life. Keep striking at my confidence. Keep beating my spirit n let failure win against triumph.

Trouble he will find you no matter where you go, oh oh
No matter if you're fast, no matter if you're slow, oh oh
The eye of the storm wanna cry in the morn, oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
He's there in the dark, he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings, he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend, yeah trouble is a friend of mine, eah

By Lenka - Trouble Is A Friend

Now, it's the turn of Lily Allen. It's about "Littlest Things" in her 1st album named "Alright, Still" It's not a new song. But I just found it recently. The most thing I like about tis song is the background piano music. I paid more attention on the piano music other than her singing. I think the piano music is oredi a success by itself.

The littlest things that take me there
I know it sounds lame but its so true
I know its not right, but it seems unfair
That the things are reminding me of you
Sometimes I wish we could just pretend
Even if for only one weekend

So come on, Tell me
Is this the end?

By Lily Allen - Littlest Things

Can u accept it ? I can't !!!!

Let's see. I hv a fren, XY. She fall in love with her colleague. N tat guy oso hv the same feeling towards her. OK. The girl love the boy n vice versa. It seems normal 2 hv an affair at the work place. But there's a problem (2 me)(I really can't accept it) My fren is only 18 years old n she work at there 4 temporarily only. But tat guy is 14 years old OLDER than her!!!! 14 years old!!! I know tat age range is not a problem nowadays. But 14 years old is definitely way too much over the age range tat i can accept. Tat guy is a 32 years old middle age guy while my fren is just a teenager. At 1st when my fren told me about tis guy, I thought the guy is just same age or older than us about 2, 3 year. But, after i saw tat guy's pic, i realised tat there's a big problem. They r not couple yet but they'll be soon. I can't judge anything about tis relationship n I don't know how 2 advice her. Wat I can do is just 2 be an onlooker......Hope she won't get hurt too much in tis relationship.....

Friday, April 3, 2009

Uncle...Crab...Charlotte & Henry Wedding~~

Yesterday my uncle came back from JB 4 Ching Ming. When I was small, I used to fear of him. He's quite fierce. But he stays in JB so he doesn't come back here oftenly. Sometimes he never came back 4 even once in a year time. So we r not close. However, he's a ppl who filled with experience n knowledge. It's not tat he has a brilliant brain. He meet many ppl out there n travel quite a lot. He went 2 Sydney, Hong Kong, Shanghai,Thailand, Singapore(tis 2 country is quite common 2 Malaysian) n other countries b4 (I'm so jealous)!! He knows many ppl who'r willing 2 help him. He always hv many things 2 tell us when he's back. Things n facts tat we may not know in our daily life. Besides, he oso hv excellent driving n parking skill !! Haha!!

2day he bought some crabs n brought them 2 be cooked by chef in restaurant. Unfortunately, I can't eat them bcos I'm allergic 2 crab n shrimp. Yet, I'm not fond of eating crab. So, it's nothing 2 me. Those crab were very naughty. They kept on trying 2 crawl out from the basket. Then, 1 crab got succeed in it's revolution. Fuuhh!! Tried very hard 2 catch it back 2 the basket!!!

2day I was supposed 2 hv guitar lesson. Yet, teacher was sick until no voice. SICK AGAIN!!! Sigh.... Y is he so weak? He always get sick n cancel our lesson!! He doesn't seem tat physically weak!!! Haiz.... Don't know wat's wrong with his body... No command.....

Yet, I still hv my EG2 n Writting class. 2day EG2 only 2 units n I'm the only student so I hv a lot of time. I grabbed tis chance 2 ask things 2 Mr.Luke. Really hv a long conversation with him. I think we hv talked about 45 min. We talked about politics, starter class, conversation class, n many many la. I asked only a question n he can share extremely many details about it with me. I just listened until my head got dizzy. However. it was a great opportunity. He's a good n patience teacher so I like 2 attend 2 his class.

As 4 Writting class, 2day topic was an informal letter 2 cousin about me attending a wedding ceremony. I wrote about "Charlotte & Henry" wedding (which is not possible in the reality). It was held in a small chapel in Bali on the 1st of April. Yes, it was the April Fool's Day but their marriage was not foolish.It was just a small ceremony which they only invited close relatives n best friends. All guests were given a back n forth plane ticket so tat they can attend the wedding in Bali. The ceremony started as the pianist played the Wedding March. Charlotte walked into the chapel accompanied by her father. As they were approaching the altar, everyone stood up 2 show their respect n blessings. As 4 me, the maid of honour, followed behind the bride n threw rose petals upwards. Then, they made their vows n exchanged rings under the witness of everyone n the priest. After tat, I was given the honour 2 hv a talk about their love stories with slide show of their romantic pictures since I'm the one who brought them together until 2day as husband n wife. By then, the wedding ended up by a photograph session of all guests and the just-married-couple. Teacher Shangkeri (only knew her name 2day after attending her class 4 quite a long time) said tat it's good. Glad 2 hear it.....

Monday, March 30, 2009

Frustrating stuff...Happy meal....

   Finally! I got my hair cut short! My "long" hair has annoyed me 4 a long time oredi. Don't care how's my hairstyle. I just want it 2 be short. My head is light now....

   Yet,I still hv a problem. My car test didn't pass AGAIN!!!! AGAIN!!! Twice oredi!!! Twice!!! I failed under the same reason!!!!! Stupid!! Most of frens can pass within the 1st time they took the test!!! Me? Hv 2 take 4 the third time!!!! Feel ashamed with it!! Hv 2 pay money somemore!!! Stupid!!! Really frustrated!!! Now I'm very desperate 2 PASS!!! MUST PASS!!! Please!!! God!!! Please bless me!!! I hv 2 PASS!!!! I don't want 2 go there anymore!!! Waiting 4 my turn at there is absolutely a torture!!! Haiz....Y can't I pass? Y must I take the test again n again? Please la!!! For God's sake, please let me PASS!!! I really can't take it anymore!!!

Recently, I hv bought a set of bed cover. It's blue in colour n has cute cartoon on it. It's called "Happy Meal"

My "Happy Meal" Pillow Case
My "Happy Meal" Bed Cover

Isn't it cute?

   Just now I got a phone call from NL. Not very surprising. We talked about more than half an hour (I think more than an hour). She wanted 2 ask my opinion about buying an IPod or Sony MP4. I'm glad tat she asked 4 my opinion. Then we talked about her plan of furthering her studies either in Matrix / JPA / Multimedia U in Foundation Of Law (I didn't talk much about mine), many ppl in WS's PLKN camp especially malays are being possessed (so creepy), wat she did 2 avoid being possessed in camp during her time, other fren's plan n wat she did recently. I think she's now clear about wat she want 2 achieve in future. Law or Pharmacy. Both of us want 2 go 4 Master. In the future, we gonna go take different road. We won't be in the same class anymore. We'll hv our own life. Mybe her life will be better than me. But, who knows? I just wanna an ordinary life. Can I live peacefully n happily in the future ? Tat's a question....

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Piggy Pao Day...Surprise Call...

   Guess wat! 2day I went 2 visit SMKI. With my fren CT. She's a formal student there n she wanted 2 get signature from her teacher. So I got the chance 2 surf the whole skul with her guidance n introduction of her skul. I might study F6 there. It's better 4 me 2 know the environment earlier. 4 me, it's quite old n there r cracks everywhere in the skul building. Yet,it's still bigger than my skul. No matter wat, I still like my skul,SMKBA. It's newer n I like the environment there. Sob.......I want 2 study back in SMKBA....I miss my skul....Maybe I'm just unfamiliar 2 SMKI. Must try 2 like tis skul. Then we went 2 hv lunch at Mst.C with another fren, Janice. This was my lunch.
Mango n Lemon Yogurt.Japanese Spicy Mee
my dessert was
Cute Piggy Pao stuffed with sweet corn

   After tat, we just went shopping in the mall. CT spent the most money during the shopping. Ah! I went 2 buy some old National Geography magazines(really old!!! got even 1996 year de) in a shop tat sell some old magazines in a very cheap price. Then, I found the same kind of old NG magazine which sold in the same price in Popular. So, I grabbed another copy (Not the same 1). I got 2 buy a pair of cross shape glow-in-the-dark earings which I always wanted 2 buy 1.

   The next thing is my cousin called me by a miracle. He called 2 talk just bcos he's bored doing his homework. It really surprised me!!!He never called me just 4 chatting. Oh! We didn't hv a long conversation but we did talk a lot. About his SPM, about his understanding on account, about his life recently......Bla bla bla...I'm glad tat he still think about me when he's "bored". Not bad!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Repeating lifestyle n grumbling...

   Spent 2day just like how I spent my yesterday. Watching Bones repeatly without feeling weary of it. 

   U know? I'm an introvert people. I spent most of my time in house. I don't like 2 go out. I prefer 2 sit in front of computer rather than go out 2 socialize with people. Yet, I still a couple of frens. They r all good students. I hv some frens who get straight A1 in their SPM. I didn't get jealous. But TJ2 got straight A1. That's surprised me but didn't impressed me. NL got straight A1 as wat we has expected. They all applied 4 JPA scholarship.

   The list of ppl who get shortlisted has came out 2day. I think ppl that got straight A1 or more than 9 A1 are shortlisted. Even raise-clavicle-girl can got shortlisted. However I didn't applied 4 it. I didn't hv the qualification they request 4. My result is bad compared 2 my brilliant frens. Their brilliance make me look dumb. They cried happily over their excellent result while me crying at behind of my bad result.

   Ok! Let's don't talk about this sad thing(4 me,it's a pathetic experience). Yesterday my BLACK teacher asked me 2 type out my essays tittled "My English Class". He wanted 2 stick it on the information board. At tat time, I felt a little bit proud of myself. But, tat's not my best paperwork. I only roughly wrote what I thought at that moment out. After that I recalled about someone. Someone whose English r better. Then I don't feel proud anymore. I think 2 days more,the list of ppl who applied 4 PPC get shortlisted will come out. I don't mind if I don't get shortlisted. I'm quite determined to go 4 F6. 

Here, I'm gonna show u my new spec.